Sunday, March 01, 2009

From the mouth of babes...

and little boys....

As Sebastian sat on the potty today, he says to grandma, "I eat (pop)corn, I poop (pop)corn." NIiiiice. We laughed hysterically at this. Some of the things children come out with.

We had a long day. Most of our recent days have been quite full. Today we went to visit my father in law. Then we went to Jeremy's aunt's and uncle's. They are giving us a car. It is a 1985 Buick Lesabre. So, it's an oldie. But, it just needed a water pump and Jeremy and his uncle worked on that this evening while we were there. The car is now road ready...well except for plates and insurance. We are going to pick it up on Monday. While visiting there today, his aunt Teresa sent me home with a foot locker that is like brand new, several Janette Oke books, one of the Janette Oke movies from the Love Comes Softly series (because I oh so want the whole set), hair accessories, jewelry sets (she makes jewelry that would rival Lia Sophia), a ring that her husband had made for Jeremy's Grandma (the one who just passed away this past year), and a spongebob outift for Sebastian, a few coffee travel mugs, Febreeze air freshener, a 3 legged chair (I will have to take a pic and post it when I get the chair home, it's certainly unique), a plastic pink kid chair, and a couple steaks. I think that was it, geesh, it was a lot of stuff. They are moving to FLA as soon as they can sell their house (which may not be soon at all) and so they are getting rid of a lot of their stuff. Oh and she also sent a crocheted blanket for my sister). She is such a sweet woman. The car deal was totally unexpected. They called Jeremy earlier this week and asked if he would be interested. HE asked how much and they said free. Wow, can't really beat that. Of course, I have a car right now and that is great, but now we will have a back up if we should need it. This car is a big old boat. Not something I will want to drive on any regular basis. But it will be sure ncie in a pinch. It will come in handy though when Jeremy is doing the work on our car that we have now..i will still have something to drive. Such a blessing.

Tomorrow will be yet another busy day....I am going to church (Makenneh has been begging me, God has been begging me, and Desiree is getting baptised), then we are going to take my father in law to lunch for his bday, then I plan to meet for a study group to study for our mid-term exam. And let's not forget Carrie's baby shower is a week away, so we have all the final details for that. I am sooo darn excited about it, i can't wait.

Oh yeah, Friday I went on another in-home assessment with Ruben for my internship. This time, I was a more active participant. It just felt so natural. I know without a doubt that this is my calling. I love every moment at the Senior Center. I really hope to get a job like that when I finish school. It is so laid back and rewarding.

Tuesday is the last day of my stress management class. I can't wait. This class has been misery for the most part. I will be glad to be done with it. Not to mention, I will be able to get out of school at 2pm on Tues and Thurs instead of 4. That will be nice. Of course, I do plan to use those couple hours at the computer lab, catching up and hopefully finishing up my computer class. Once I get that out of the way, it will really be smooth sailing. Nothing to really stress about. Except the fact that I have to meet with an adviser at my college and SVSU to get all the details hashed out for my transfer.

Oh and Jeremy called the Secretary of State and spoke with her secretary. They returned his call and said that he would have to pay off the fines and file for a review. They sent him the application for the review process. the strange thing is, the first page says that you may qualify for a review if one of the following applies to your situation: You have had your license suspended due to one or more drug/alcohol related charges OR something else ( can't remember off top of my head) that doesn't apply to him. So neither of the situations apply to him...his situation didn't involve drugs or alcohol. So, I don't know how effective this route is going to be, but I am going to give it a shot. After that, I am going to start contacting my local officials and work my way to the top until something is resolved. I am really done with laying down and allowing this to continue. There is no legitimate reason for him to not have his license and it does nothing but hold us back from bettering ourselves as a family, him as a person. It is ridiculous and time for some solutions to be reached.
As far as the house, I was denied the extra funds I applied for for student loans because they said i had exceeded my limit. I think it was the amount I was asking for, so I reapplied, requesting a smaller amount. I am going to call the college on Monday to find out for sure what that is about. If I don't get this amount, then we are going to pass on the house because we want to be able to pay up several months of rent to be safe. So, as much as we both want this place, we have to do the reasonable thing and it may be to wait it out and stay the summer here. I am really hoping something works out some way though.

On that note, I am going to stop and finish my rounds so I can get to bed. Hope the rest of the weekend goes well for everyone!


Julie Q said...

You are so busy too!

Yay on the car! :) Ken's Mom had a Buick Lesabre, it was nice. It was just after I met him, so it was a long time ago.

A review is a review I guess. Good luck to Jeremy! :)

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Sounds great about all the stuff you got! It is always nice to get free stuff that is nice! I am sorry you got denied the money and hope they accept the smaller amount! Good luck and still praying!