Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Busy, Busy

It's that time of the semester in which everything is winding down, papers are due, exams to be taken. My head is spinning. I still have 4 modules to do for my computer class and 7 days to do them in. I have a grant to write within 8 days and really, I guess that's all. I took my exam for my Practicum class today and feel I did great. I also finished 3 of my modules for computers, which left me the 4 to complete. I did figure my grade and even if i didn't get those 4 done, I would get a 70% for the class. Nothing I would normally be happy with, but at this point, I just want it over with.

I also want all this sickness over with. My gosh it is ridiculous. I am finally feeling better but still don't have all my energy back. Now, Jeremy, my dad and mom have it to different degrees. Last night, I was in bed, and jumped up thinking I had to throw up. I felt so sick to my stomach, it was horrible. I opted to sleep with a bucket next to my bed. Just in case.

We had the kids' bday party for family on Sunday. That went well. My brother always insists on getting them obnoxious toys like water guns....paybacks are a B*%ch.

Carrie goes back to the OB on May 5th and they will set her up for surgery. She doesn't have a lot of confidence in this doctor, because he has been her OB through the whole pregnancy. We have told her that if she doesn't have faith in him, she has the right to request a different surgeon. The problem is, who do you get to do such a delicate surgery? And her OB was a board certified surgeon before he was an OB. He is either the only double board certified OB or one of a few. He also has the highest delivery rate for our area. I just don't know what to think about the whole thing. Ultimately, I think initial anger wants us to find somewhere to place blame, it's the human nature. The truth is, some things like this just happen and it's not necessarily the fault of anyone in particular. However, our family doc did say that most likely what happened is she tore worse than they realized, they missed that part of the tear and now it means major surgery to fix it. So, on that account, well, the docs should have paid closer attention. But, as our family doc also said, she has a healthy baby and a lot to be thankful. it could have gone a lot worse than it did. And that's for sure. So, we will continue to pray and ask for prayers, that the outcome of the surgery is successful. One of the largest concerns with this surgery is that there is a high rate of infection. So, let's pray that that isn't the case with her. She has been through enough and a bit of give would be great! Liberty is doing well, although her biliruben count is high, so they have her a bili blanket. It went down and then back up again, from what I understand. Hopefully that resolves itself soon. We just took her yesterday for another poke at the lab to test her biliruben.

Well, I have to get on my homework....time is running out!!! Have a great night and I will try to check in soon!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Busy time for college, yes it is! :)

Shall keep good, positive thoughts for your sister. So much to go through. And yes, at the same time, so much to be thankful for.