Friday, April 03, 2009


Liberty Grace
Born 04/02/2009 at 10:53pm
7lbs 6oz

She is absolutely perfect. However, her birth story isn't. I am dead tired, just got home about 20 mins ago (230am). But,. the short of it is, They put the gel on her cervix at 9am, broke her water at 1130am. It took forever for her to start contractions. They had to keep upping her pitocin. She dialated to 3 and stayed there for quite some time. Finally, after hours, she began to get good, steady contractions. When they came, they sure did come. Toward the end, the baby's heart rate would drop drastically during contractions. Around this time, Carrie was about ready to push. Every time she would push, the heartrate would drop real low. The doctor finally told her she had 2 more chances but after that, it would have to be a C-section bc the baby wasn't tolerating the pushing. She said that usually motivates moms to push with all they have. Sure enough. But, it doesn't stop there. LIberty just didn't want to come out and so they had to use the vaccuum extractor on her and after her head was delivered, carrie had trouble pushing to get shoulders out. It was horrible. I have never been so in awe and terrified at the same time. She finally was able to do it and Liberty came out crying. It was very long, tiring and trying. Carrie did not like for me to be out of the room, so it was especially tough for me. I was her labor coach for hte most part. We got through. I did decide though that I don't really ever care to see childbirth again. Been there, did that, and almost didn't make it. IT is so horrible to watch someone you love go through that level of pain and not be able to do anything about it. During the peaks of some of those contracts, she would just look at me, wild eyed, as if begging me to help. All I could do was massage, encourage to breath, nice and slow, and breath with her. But, a really neat tidbit - I GOT TO CUT THE CORD!!!! Daddy didn't want to, so I did. That was quite neat.

Baby is doing pretty good but because Carrie had to go on Magnesium to prevent siezures (due to the pre-eclampsia), the baby was a bit groggy and slow at breathing. But, she did quite well. THey still have to have her on a monitor for 24 hours because of the Mag. Just to make sure baby has no ill side effects. But, Carrie is able to breast feed her and she is doin gquite well with that. Except for feeding, though, the baby has to stay in the nursery on teh monitors. However,Carrie and Ralph can go in anytime to see her. So, anyway, baby is well, mom is well and now it is time for me to hit the hay so I can go back up there tomorrow!

Thanks for all the prayers, they were certainly heard. Liberty is a healthy weight, doing great and mom was able to have the natural labor/delivery she wanted (no epidural) and is doing well.!!!


Julie Q said...

Congratulations Auntie Christina! :) Liberty is perfect! And wow to her size for being a month early! :)

I hope she continues to do well.

Unknown said...

Hi Christina,
Great blog of what is going on.
Welcome to Liberty Grace. Congratulations to the Burgers. She is a beauty.

Sarah said...

So happy to hear that Liberty and Carrie are doing well, but sad to hear that the birth was rough for them. I'm glad you were there for Carrie -- it's what big sisters are for.