Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I'm still wearing my flip-flops

It's supposed to only be 42* tomorrow. The past few days (week?) have been warm. But, tis Spring in Michigan and the only thing guaranteed is that well, there is no guarantee. But, I will still wear my flip flops. Probably not so much tomorrow because I am going to the Senior Center and well, it's not at all professional. But, should I go anywhere after, you bet my flippers will be on.

I finished my grant proposal tonight. Whew! That is a huge relief. I also studied for a bit, so another hooray! Still plenty more studying to do, but it's a start. At least now, the questions aren't all so foreign.

On a school related note, I learned some things today. I went in to see my teacher, who is also an adviser. We finished our class a week early, but she said that if we wanted to come in during class time to talk about anything, she would be there. I figured that would certainly beat the horrendous wait at the Advising Center. She explained the difference btwn the two 4 yr Universities I am contemplating. Well, really, I am quite decided, but wanted to be sure. One is more geared for being director of an agency while other is more one on one face time with clients. I went on to tell her that I am going for my Masters and in that case, the second one would be beneficial in that I will have had the experience with one on one when I become director. I will know what my employees are having to deal with and the load they have to carry. I also found out that the U I want to attend will allow me to directly transfer to the U I have to attend for my Masters. This is where a big choice comes in. MSU (for my Masters) has an extension site closer to home. If I go there, it will take me 3 years to get my Masters (after completing my BSW). If I go to Lansing, well, it will only take me one year if I do the fast track, year round. I don't want to commute back and forth really. Especially not if I am doing the fast track. i will already be bogged down with homework/studies, etc. ON top of being mommy/wife. But Dee mentioned that we could check into the family housing on campus. She has had several students opt for that. IT would mean pulling kids from their school district to go down there for a year. At the same time, as Dee said, they would be exposed to culture, activities and things they just wouldn't otherwise get in our hometown area. Very valid point. It could be viewed as a sort of one year vacation. I have never lived further than a stone's throw from my family and quite honestly, I think it would be good for us. So, I am leaning toward that option, however, it isn't for another 3 yrs, most likely. So, food for thought, anyway. Also I found out, that if I take a Lab class in fall or winter, I will graduate with 3 degrees. OF course, they are degrees which will mean little, but still. I will have an associates in arts, applied science and social work technician. So, I figured I may as well do it. what the heck. I have to go those two extra semesters, may as well get 2 extra degrees out of it. Not to mention, with the assoc. in arts, I will be able to directly transfer and go right into the BSW program. So, another plus. I hate science. But, I am sure I will manage.

I wasn't able to start the whole point system with the kids because I flat out didn't have the time to set it up. But, the good side to that is that I decided to go a different route. I was reading about the color cards method. Not sure what they call it. Anyway, it's the same thing they use in Makenneh's class and seems to be very effective with her. She never wants to go to the yellow card. How it works is they each get 4 color cards - green, yellow, red, black. They start on green. That is full priveleges. If they break one of the rules (which we made together), then they lose their green card and go on yellow. You can determine what consequences that will bring. For us, we are going to do a time out for yellow (not my favorite, but actually, Makenneh suggested "sitting on our bed for yellow"). If they break a rule after that, they go on red, which is a steeper consequence. For red, it will be time out plus no movie before bed (which is huge for our kids). If they lose their red card, then they will be grounded for a day. In order to have larger priveleges, like friends over, they have to be on green. OH and as they lose each color, it is placed behind the black card, so that should they lose even their red card, the black is theo only one left. Today, the kids helped me cut out the color card (I used cardstock and a 3X5 index card as a guide) and I used a manilla file folder to make the chart part. I just opened it up and did two rows of "pockets" (using a different color of cardstock) so that the color cards will just slide in. Makenneh was excited about it. She helped write the rules and come up with the consequences. I must say that tonight went very smoothly. She came in from outside without a fight, jumped in the shower, and went to bed. NO fuss, No muss, No hassle. IT was beautiful. She does NOT want to lose her green card. Woohoo! I hope it works. because boot camp is the next option. LOL.

Carrie's been having a hard time with Liberty. She is very fussy, gassy, spitty-uppy. Unusual for a breastfed baby. I have mentioned this before, I think. Anyway, today was icing. Liberty cried all day...for hours. Well, Carrie was reading in her breastfeeding book that if your milk has let down with force and the baby is gulping, gagging, and pulling off the breast, that you need to pump some milk off before each feeding, until it is just a steady drip. If while feeding, the baby begins to do those things, then remove baby from breast, pump some off and let baby calm down before bringing her back to the breast. It said that when this happens, baby's have gas, spit up and get hiccups a lot. Bingo. Everything mentioned in the book applies to Liberty. Not to mention, when Carrie is breastfeeding (or even removes her breast pad), milk just sprays all over, like no other. While burping Liberty, her milk just pours out. so, this all makes sense and hopefully it helps her now that she knows what she needs to do. Hopefully Liberty won't be so fussy and gassy now.

Well, I should probably finish up on here and get to bed. Tomorrow will be busy. Senior Center then lots of studying. But, after Thursday, it will be over with....until July, anyway!

1 comment:

Nelson Family of 7 said...

Man I have been behind on your posts and just had a lot of reading to catch up on! I am praying for all the needs to be prayed for and I will say this again! I am so proud of you for going back to school and following your dream! You are going to be great at the job you chose and I think it would be neat for you to go to school in Lansing and take the fam there! Praying that the decisions come easily to you! Good luck in everything and please keep me updated on how your new system works! The kids love the points and hate when they have to give them up. We do the point store every month and they can buy things with the points they have left after tithing and putting some in savings (each point is worth 25 cents for that stuff). I swear Kayleigh and Kiersten will be able to buy the whole store with all the points they have earned-they LOVE doing things to earn points!