Saturday, April 18, 2009

Glorious Sunshine

Although my heart isn't feeling it. It just seems that lately things have turned upside down. The other day, my cousin found out that she is in fact, not pregnant. She tested positive, had to wait forever to get to the OB and they did an ultrasound and discovered that there was an amniotic sac with no baby in it and a cyst on one of her ovaries. She and her husband are devastated. I do so hope that in 3 months, when they get the all clear and can try again, that it works out for them.

Last night, my mom informs me that a guy I used to date before Jeremy passed away March 30th. They say your first love will always have a place in your heart. For me, that isn't true. I don't waste space on Mike. Bleh. However, in the short time I dated Brian, he grabbed a piece of my heart and will always be there. He was battling Hodgkin's Disease when I met him. I didn't let that bother me, I accompanied him on his chemo trips, I sat at his side as he vomited uncontrollably, I helped him in and out of the tub when he was so sick from treatments. I didn't bat an eye. But, he felt that he couldn't put me through that and that I deserved more than he could ever offer. We remained friends and stayed in touch on and off. I am glad that he is no longer suffering, but I feel a sort of emptiness that he is gone. Life is crazy sometimes.

Anyway, my mom decided to get my children chicks for their bday. So, today we got them...6 of them, because you have to buy them in lots of 6. I forewarned her that I would take no part in their care...not my idea. NOpe. I hate taking care of animals in the winter or hot summer. nothankyou. But hte kids love them and think they are great and for a while, well, they will enjoy them and then the novelty will wear off, the chicks will grow to chickens and well, it will still be fun gathering eggs, until that novelty wears off and then it will be a bummer.

Tomorrow is their little bday party for family. OF course, today would have been the better day for it, because it was beautiful out. But, I planned for Sunday and well, it's going to be in the 50s with chance of rain. Oh well. I will honestly be glad when it's done and over. Bad I know, but being sick has taken its toll on me and I am just tired and blah feeling. I want to go to sleep and sleep for a month. Wake up feeling refreshed, energized, and back to normal.


Nelson Family of 7 said...

Oh Christina I am so sorry about Brian! I remember when you dated him. I am also praying for you cousin and her husband! That is awful when stuff like that happens! Hope that you are feeling at least a little better and that the kids had a great birthday party!

Julie Q said...

I am so sorry for your loss Christina.

That is very sad about your cousin too.