Monday, April 06, 2009

A great idea

I am so over all the sickies that seem to be running rampant around here. It seems, for the better part of the past few months, I have been up to my eyebrows in diarrhea, puke, runny noses, coughs, and even fevers. I am so ready for it to be over. One thing cycles after another. The latest is Makenneh having a cough and fever. My kids rarely ever run fevers. Hers is hitting around 102, has gone as high as 103.2. Thankfully, a dose of ibuprofen brings it right back down. Now, I have the cough, with that feeling in my chest of impending bronchitis or something similar. I said to makenneh, I hope we can finally get better and stay better. We have had our share of sickness in this house for awhile. To which she replies, "I think you and me should pack up our clothes and stuff and go stay somewhere." Hah, wouldn't that be great. It's funny how kids' minds work.
As for me, I am slathered in Vicks and eating vitamins, in hopes of beating this stuff. It is bugging me that I have a brand new niece and can't go visit her because I am covered in cooties.

Im still waiting on mom to upload the pics of Liberty so I can share them. She has been staying with Carrie and Ralph and so, the camera is over there, filling up with many pictures of the new bundle. And that bundle had to go to the doctor today for her first visit. She is slightly dehydrated, so he wants Carrie to give Liberty some water. She isn't too fond of that idea because she is breastfeeding. Hopefully everything will go well with it. She has to take her back in again tomorrow, to get poked. They are checking for jaundice, because she is slightly yellow. Her levels today were right at the border, but the doctor surmises that with the extra fluids, that will take care of it. But, at any rate, mom and baby are doing well and I am sad because i am stuck here in this house of cooties until who knows when. Please send us your healthy vibes...we need them very much.


Anonymous said...

I think mega doses of sunshine and real weather is the cure, pack up your kids an light out for the sun! Or, hang in there, soon, it will get better.

I'm bummed too to not get my hands on Liberty ( her rotten mother doesn't want me to call her 'berty, why not, i ask, we have a lovely 'kenneh! Hey, we could have 'bastian, 'den, and 'topher!!!!)

Feel better sooner, Grandma and i Love you,
aunt bev

Julie Q said...

Bummer it snowed today! Sunshine would be nice. Fresh air too! Darn germs seem to mulitiply indoors with all the doors shut!

I hope you all feel better soon Christina so you can go cuddle that beautiful new baby!! :)