Thursday, April 02, 2009

Here we go.....Prayers please

Carrie isn't going to make it another week. She was having blurred vision yesterday. Last night, she had some discomfort/pressure behind her eyes, so she went to the hospital. They kept her and plan on inducing her this morning. She is exactly one month from her due date. Please say your prayers that all goes well and she delivers a healthy baby and she does fine. She is dialated to 1 and 70% efaced, so hopefully that's a sign that her body will accept the petocin and she can have a vaginal birth. Keep her in your thoughts and prayers today, please and I will update as soon as I can. Mom and I are headed to the hospital right now because they plan to start induction.

Here's to a successful birth......


Julie Q said...

Saying prayers and keeping good thoughts for Carrie and little Liberty!!

Anonymous said...

Liberty is beautiful! Obviously worth all the trauma. I'm proud of Carrie, and Christina, I'm very proud of you. I know how hard it is to stand beside the mom and try to be supportive. The birth i witnessed was not as difficult as Liberty's but was hard enough that i knew i was glad to not have to experience it as the star.

Can't wait to hold and smooch little Liberty!

Love you BIG, Big Sister,

Aunt Bev
Oh, thanks for posting the pic!