Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Nothing is going as it should

More prayer requests, please!!!!!! Carrie hasn't felt right in her nether regions since giving birth. I didn't know what to tell her because, well, you just had a baby, it was a bit rough of a delivery and my last one was 4 yrs ago. The Lord has a great way of blessing us with memory lapses when it comes to child birth. His insurance that life will go on, I suppose. Anyway, finally yesterday something happened that prompted her to call her OB. I won't go into detail here because it is her private story (no pun intended). WEll, the OB's answer was, "I can see you tomorrow at 2". MOm said like hell it will wait. So they called our family doctor who said to get to ER because she needed to be seen. AFter being there a few hours, a staff member comes in and tells them they have to get the baby out of there bc someone has spinal meningitis and they are unsure if it is the bacterial or viral form. So, mom had to leave Carrie at the ER and bring Liberty home. Meanwhile Ralph was out of town on work, a good hour plus away from home, about 2 hrs from hospital. I had Makenneh's bday party at McDonalds for her class friends. But, when I get out of McD's, I call and learn that Liberty had to leave the hospital so I told mom I would meet her at Carrie's to get Liberty. I got to watch the little peanut and even feed her a bottle, to which I have to say, was not pleasant. This child is every bit a booby baby. She wrinkled her face up something fierce at that nasty formula. 7 hours after getting there, Carrie was able to come home, with no answers, really. Liberty was happy to be able to get back on the booby and all was well.

Until today. Carrie went in at 2 to see the OB. She was informed that there is a tear btwn her vagina and rectum that will require surgery and in some instances, patients end up with colostomy bags. She is 25 yrs old. She is otherwise healthy. Please say prayers that this goes well. They don't understand what caused it because she only had a 2nd degree tear during delivery, which is common. I had that with Makenneh. Usually this injury happens when a woman rips from end to end and beyond. At any rate, Carrie and Ralph are both upset and quite honestly, I am too. I cried for her. She should be able to enjoy her baby without this dark cloud hanging over her. Nothing has gone as it should with this pregnancy.

Oh and to top it off, I get to Carrie's last night and before Ralph and my mom leave, their cat fell off the coffee table. He hit a landslide of magazines and such and fell. Ended up breaking his hip and/or legs. So, that was one more thing Ralph had to deal with. I thought he was going to cry. The cat will have to go down because it will cost far too much to fix him and he is quite old and very obese. So sad. So, the past couple weeks have been one big ordeal after another. I am most often too mentally and physically exhausted to update here. But, I knew I needed to because Carrie needs all the prayers and positive thoughts she can get right now.

Other than that, Easter went well, despite the cloud of cooties looming over most of us. I still feel quite under the weather and can't wait for this to lift. Now mom has it and so does dad. Hopefully they get rid of it and all the bugs/germs/sickies are gone for some time!!!

I can't end this post without a little about my big girl's bday. Makenneh turned 6 yesterday. We had a bday party at McDonald's with a few of her friends from school. IT was loud and crazy but they all had a good time. I can't believe that my little girl is getting soooo big. Having Liberty around has really hit a spot for me. I want a redo with my babies. I realize how much I missed because of the postpartum depression. I wish I would have snuggled a little more and worried a lot less. I wish I would have just enjoyed that sweet innocent phase and not taken one moment of it for granted. Instead, I was deep in depression and despair. Makenneh was a very trying baby (still is a trying child, truth be told) but I wonder how much things could have been better if I weren't so stressed/depressed. But, we cannot go back-only forward. I do know I spent a lot of time holding them as babies. Especially Makenneh. She was most content while being held close to me. We even slept that way. Many nights, her on my chest, me on the loveseat. It seemed to be the only way either of us got any rest. But, now she is 6 and she is becoming more and more independent. She does still love to cuddle though and I remind myself to take advantage of those moments for they will soon be gone. Happy Birthday my little princess!!!!

WEll, I am going to go for now. I have work to do!


Nelson Family of 7 said...

Wow-Christina-I will definitely be praying for Carrie! I really hope that everything goes well with the surgery and I can't believe that the hospital didn't catch what was going on! I guess they just try to rush everyone through now a days---of course that is after the hours of waiting in the waiting room!!! Tell her I am praying and please keep us updated on how things are going!

Julie Q said...

Keeping Carrie in my thoughts Christina. I read this, but didn't have time to respond!!

Is there any new news?