Thursday, March 30, 2006

Headstart, here we come

Well, I called tues and requested the application packet for Headstart. I got it today. How fast was that!!! There are 4 different pograms. One is a home based program where they come to your home, the other is an evening center, then there is 1/2 day, 4 days a week or full days, full week, year round! Well, on days like today, i am thinking the full day is looking/sounding great. Tiffney said, wow that's a long day for a little kid..but like i pointed out, its no different than a child going to daycare all day, 5 days a week. ONly, i don't have to pay for this and she is being prepared for school, gaining social skills and learning to spend structured days away from home. Im still a bit undecided whether to send for 1/2 or full day, but she is doing the day centers, for sure. I may start with 1/2 day for now. Bc i know im talking big now, but when it comes time to actually send her, the full day may be too much for momma too!

Right now she is up bc daddy stepped on her toe....b0y does that suck. She is being loud and obnoxious and duct tape is sounding wonderful. I know its just a matter of time before she has her brother up! then i will be one HOT mamma and i don't mean sexy hot, i mean mad hot! Yeah, full day is a good thing!!!! LOL.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Good luck with the head start. We made about $10 too much when my older son was little and I needed a break. I was so mad! He could have gotten in if we were divorced, on drugs, abusive, etc...but we weren't any of those things. So, we had to pay for preschool. And now my husband makes too much, so we had to pay for preschool again. But I'm happy with the year, I don't care. :)

Anyway, sorry for the ramble. My niece went to headstart half days and they fed her lunch too. She loved it. They live up north in Alpena.

And yes! Yeah to the weather! :) It is cold this morning though!