Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I survived

The first day of work that is. But, im not gonna lie..it's hard work right now, setting up the store. We have to bust ass. I was put in the frozen food section and we have 23 pallets to unload and get put out. Oh and don't forget priced! So, all day I heaved boxes, unpacked them, put product in the freezer cases, etc. And that's what i get to do tomorrow! I even spent a half hour or so in the freezer and boy is it cold in there. But, it sure beats sweating! overall, I like it. Everyone seems to be pretty nice and helpful. I still think the daily meetings are stupid though...even moreso now that I had to participate..its cult-like, I swear...lol. All the members of management take turns talking,...and as soon as one gets up to the podium and says hi, everyone says hi and then claps like twice, stomps twice and then shouts HOO! Goofy! After each person speaks, everyone claps. Then, its wrapped up by saying our pledge...raise our right hand and say: " I pledge today to not have any accidents. I also pledge to prevent those around me from having accidents, so help me walmart!" Crazy huh? The only thing I can think of the whole time we are doing this is potty training my daughte.r....and the accidents meaning potty accidents. I can't help it. But anyway, they are real big on safety and we get bonuses if we are accident free. Then, we get to wrap the meeting up with the corny cheer! See one of my previous posts if you really want to know what the cheer is! CORNY! But, i guess it gets me a paycheck, huh?

Im wondering if i should jump to 2nd shift for set up though. That way, I would have business hours to take care of anything I need to deal with. Not to mention, I know my brother's gf doesn't like mornings (and honestly , i don't either) and she is watching the kids for me. I would also not need a babysitter the whole 10 hours if i worked 2nd. Jeremy gets home around 430. so, that would be helpful on the pocket book! I just don't know though bc I wouldn't really be able to do much else, socially speaking. But, i guess life's all about sacrafice! Especially seems how i wasn't born with the proverbial silver spoon in my mouth! The damn thing was plastic! Go figure!


Julie Q said...

Stocking like that is hard work. I lost 20 pounds when I stocked the shampoo section at Meijer. And I wasn't even trying to.

I would think in time, they will not be so big on the cheers and all, but I wouldn't like it either. It is corny for sure.

I worked midnights the first year to save money for us. Then again, we had no babysitter we knew. So, I had to work when Ken was home. It was hard. Really hard. I think I could have handled 2nd shift though.

The other me said...

I would just die with the whole stomping cheering deal! HA HA!! Oh well, if it works I say go for it...BE SAFE! I hope this job turns out great for you! The 2nd shift sounds ideal, less costs on childcare is a winner!