Friday, August 11, 2006

Not a good start.....

I was woke up when hubby got up late for work. No big deal though, i just fell right back to sleep. Well, makenneh woke up around that time and came in i came out to the couch with her. She was throwing a fit about wanting to watch her movie and woke Sebastian up, who sat in his crib screaming as if the grim reaper was ripping his limbs off. So now, it is quarter to 7 and both kids are awake on the couch, i am grumpy and tired and mad as a wet hen. They never get up this damn wh;y do they have to today?

Oh and cuz Jeremy woke up late for work, there was no cute little note left for me to find this morning. UGh!!! But he did kiss on me this morning and tell me happy birthday! Right now, im safe to say there is nothing happy about it. Hopefully they both fall back asleep and let me sleep in. HAHAHHAA...not gonna happen, im sure.

Here's hopin the sandman rushes in and pulls my kids under into a nice, deep slumber that lasts until about!


Julie Q said...

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday (I don't know your name!), Happy Birthday to you!

:) It just occurred to me, I don't know your name. Perhaps one time, someone referred to you as Christina? :)

Sorry for the early wake up. That does stink. Especially on your birthday. I hope they fell back asleep.

Have fun tomorrow! :)

The other me said...

Happy BIRTHDAY!!!! I hope it gets better from now!!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that your day has started off on the wrong foot. I really hope that it gets brighter as it goes on. Wish I didn't live so far away so I could help you celebrate in some way. Tell those kids to give mommy a break. Talk to you sometime soon.