Saturday, August 26, 2006

sick, tired....

I think im coming down with the flu or something. I dunno but i have felt like i could puke for 2 days now. Last night i had a headache from hell and this sour stomach..i didn't get any sleep bc when i was ready/able to fall asleep, Sebastian woke up, when i got him back to sleep, makenneh woke was an endless battle last night. Finally, jeremy got up at 8am and i went to sleep for a few hours. I still have the headache today and the sour stomach. To top it off, Makenneh woke up with bumps all over her which i think are chicken pox. She itches like no other. So, for now im giving her benedryl to keep the itching down and putting hydrocortisone creme on her. I will have to call Monday to get her in somwhere btwn my own counseling appt, trip to the social sec. office, trip to walmart. UGH!

On a good note, jeremy started cleaning in here today. The bad note is it made him awfully cranky. He is in a better mood now though and the living room is looking much better. Now i just need to get these carpets scrubbed and get this damn sofa sleeper out to the trash and the other couch my aunt gave me in here.

Not much else to say and im feeling too blah to really type much else. Oh....the hampster got out the other day and i only found out yesterday morning when the cat/kittens were hissing and snarling over something in the kitchen. I checked it out and it was the hampster, lifeless in the grips of one of the kittens. I didn't say anything to Makenneh, as she was sleeping when this took place. i just disposed of him and left it at that. Today she realized he wasn't in his cage and was upset. I had told jeremy that we wouldn't get another one...but daddy just couldn't tell her no when she was so sad and using that cute lil face of hers. So, we were off to get a new hampster. This time we got a dwarf one...he is so cute. Much more laid back than the other ones. Hopefully this one lasts awhile. But we have told her there will be no more after this.

ok, off to lay down and hope for wellness by tomorrow!

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