Sunday, August 20, 2006

A night at the races

Last night our local race track had the good neighbor night. Anyone with a Clio/Mt. Morris ID got in free. So, we left the kids with my parents and we went. We had a good time. I love the rumble of the engines as they zoom around the track, the smell of rubber on ashphalt, the grit in my eyes (ok maybe not that part), but it is just exhilirating to watch.

Our day started out kinda early. We were on the road around noon. I had to stop and get a bday gift and a housewarming gift then we had an open house (college grad) party to attend at 2. WE had to leave there, attend a bday party for my friend's 2 yr old, then it was off to the races. But, before the races, we stopped at a yard sale and got a great deal. Jeremy and I each got several shirts, and a pair of pants, he got a couple sweatshirts/pull-0vers, a pair of sandals for Sebastian and Narnia DVD all for 23.00. The stuff is all in great shape. This is the best yard sale i have ever been to. These ladies print out little tags on the computer....on this tag it tells you if its mens, womens, boys, girls, the size and the price. Then they pin it to the clothes. So, there is no confusion. To top that off, they organize all the clothes by size. Even on the racks, its just like at the dept stores, they have little circle things seperating the sizes. Being this organized makes it so much easier to shop a yard sale. I hate having to dig through piles of mixed up sizes and whatnot. OH and before Jeremy and I had stopped there, I had gone with Tiffney and got Makenneh several shirts and stuff to put up for headstart!

So, yesterday was quite an eventful day and kept us all busy! I had to be up at 645 this morning bc I had to pick the kids up from my parents' at 7am bc they were leaving for the UP to camp. I literally woke up, threw clothes on and out the door I went. Then when i got there, I sat and talked to them for a few mins and then climbed in their bed and took a nap. I was sooo tired! Just glad I didn't drink last night! I would have felt even worse.

And, now for the not so fun stuff...Jeremy and I are done drinking pop! Yes, we are both highly addicted to Coke and it's time to quit. I am sure I will have some withdrawals, but I am sick of being so damn fat and this is the first step to making a change. We are also going to quit smoking. I don' t know how it will all work out as we are trying to make several changes at once, but it's time to do it. We waste money that we don't have on smokes, eating out and all that junk. Im going to focus on the money we can save and the better health. Wish me luck!

Oh oh oh..i can't believe i forgot to post this...Makenneh is doing great with potty training. I didn't buy any more pull ups this week. It's underwear only! She has had a few accidents when she waits til it's too late to decide she has to go pee, but i suspect that by the end of this week, we will be home free! I am so proud of her and make such a grand deal out of her using the potty! You other mommy's can just imagine my excitement! Of course, I was beginning to get frustrated with it, bc she was seeming to be lazy about it. she knew what she needed to do, she has been "trying" to potty train since she was a little over 2 and hadn't gotten very far. But, now we are on the right track!


Julie Q said...

Wow, you were busy yesterday! :)

What great deals you got at the yard sale. I never seem to find stuff I want at them.

I have heard of people losing weight because they stopped drinking soda pop. It's a good step in the right direction.

Good luck with quitting smoking! I know you tried before and I know it is hard. But you can do it! :)

The other me said...

I miss yard sales! I loved going out early in the morning with H and snapping up the deals. Good uck on your new'll feel great really soon.