Wednesday, August 08, 2007


I hate those dirty kind of words. Leukemia. Cancer. Bleh. I checked my email and had one from Jeremy's grandma. The subject was doctor's appointment. I was expecting to hear something routine. What I read caused me to cry. Her white blood cell count is down (or is it up?) from December. Her doctor sent her to a blood specialist. The appt was today. She was told that she most likely has chronic leukemia, but he can't be sure until he runs further tests but that she has had this (whatever it is) for awhile. She has a bone marrow biopsy, ct scan and some other test, all to be done within this month. 2 of the tests will be done this week. That, in itself, tells me that it must not be too good, bc she went today and has the tests already scheduled for this week. Usually there are waits. But, reading her email, she sounded so casual about it all. As if she was writing to say that she has the flu or something. I can't believe this. She is otherwise quite healthy, gets out all the time, lives on her own, etc. Please say prayers that everything turns out okay.

That's really all i can write about right mind is too full to think logically at the moment. I don't want to have to tell Jeremy this. She is his last living grandparent. He just lost his paternal gpa a couple years ago.


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for her that everything turns out. I will also be praying for you and Jeremy

Julie Q said...

I will keep you all in my thoughts Christina.