Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday, already?

My spring break is almost over. The week flew by. Of course it did. It was a week off. Those always fly by. Tomorrow I am running the roads with my sister. We are taking our wedding rings in to get them cleaned/inspected then we are stopping by my college to get things straightening out on my loan application. I really hope they approve it. I so need the money.

My jewelry came in from my jewelry party. I was so excited, until I opened the box and discovered that the necklace extenders I ordered are on backorder. That means I can't comfortably wear my necklaces until they arrive. Hmph. But, I am very happy with my necklaces. The one is sooo much prettier in person than in the book. I can't wait to wear it. Who would have thought that I would be into accessories? My sister talked me into ordering a pair of earrings, at the last party. She said I need to wear them. I haven't worn earrings in years. I did wear a pair on my wedding day...but you can bet I took them out at the reception. LOL. The ones I ordered were just plain silver hoops. But, speaking of ordering those earrings...let me tell you a story of an ungrateful relative. The hostess of the jewelry party was my cousin. The one who lives by me. She ended up not getting her invites out bc she insisted on handing them out herself. So, her party wasn't a big turn out or anything. Of the handful of people who showed up, only two of us ordered. I only ordered the earrings, which were around $22. Well, she had made a comment to one of our cousins how she spent $80 (or whatever it was) at my party and I only spent twenty something at hers. I am soooo livid. I didn't realize things like this had to be a competition or whatever. She lives with her fiance, they both make more than Jeremy does and they have no kids. She can afford to blow money on things like jewelry. I can't. Period. I really shouldn't have ordered anything, but did figure I should order something. Instead of her being thankful I ordered at all, she complains that I didn't order "enough". She is young and seems to think in rather simplistic terms. She thinks everything is just simple. Raising kids? Piece of cake. She is always the first to criticize everyone and their parenting mistakes. I try to gently remind her that I had it all planned out too. Then I had kids. Boy did things change. The very things I said "I'd never"....yeah well, they quickly fell to the wayside. My kids have slept in our bed, they stay up late, they are mouthy, yadda yadda yadda. She has admitted that she is judgmental but I never realized how bad until the past few months. I actually feel sorry for her that feels life is a competition and we should all strive to keep up or better yet, outdo the Joneses. She got her engagement ring and had to be sure everyone knew how much it cost and make hurtful comments like, "I had to outdo (name of other cousin who recently married)." Funny thing is, she said this right to other cousin's mom and the truth is, the ring she had to "outdo" cost several times hers. Not that it matters. Why would you care? Why would you say something like that to someone? She has made so many comments belittling other ppl's rings, and right in front of people that it has hurt feelings. One cousin was recently engaged and her ring is a rather simple solitaire that didn't cost "lots of money". But, it was what she wanted. Her fiance feels like crap hearing what Ashley says because he feels like he didn't spend enough on the ring. I told him not to worry about it bc Rachel isn't materialistic and shallow and she loves it and that's what counts. My ring is a simple solitaire. Cost under $500...i don't care. It is exactly what I wanted. Things like this with Ashley are just really irritating me. /end rant.

I got the paper products for the kids' bday parties. I decided to do one, on Sebastian's bday, for family and will be for both of them. Then, I will do a separate one for Makenneh's friends at a local kids pizza place and no not Chuck E. Cheese, as our local one seems to include riots and well, that's not my style. Yes, riots at Chuck E. Cheese. Where a Kid can be a.....victim! Anyway, I got Hannah Montana stuff for M's bday with her friends. She loves it. She doesn't get to watch HM bc we don't have cable, but she has watched her before (when we had cable) and when she is at gma's. She loves her bc well, Makenneh wants to be a "rock star" when she grows up. I foresee the need for a sound-proof basement in my future!

So back to the bday parties. I feel kinda guilty that Sebastian has to share his party with Makenneh but at the same time, I can't afford to do hers totally separate with family at the pizza place too. And this is her 5th bday and the very first one to include friends (aside from my friend's kids by default). It sucks that their bdays are 2 weeks apart. It's too much to do 2 sep. family parties that close. I intend to make the family party more about Sebastian. More his theme decor, etc. I figure Makenneh will get her day to shine on her own party with friends. Parenting can be a giant guilt trip. It really can.

Well, we are doing the move this weekend. Already took one load of boxes to storage. The rest will be hauled out of here over the weekend. We decided to stay with my parents, as I think I mentioned in previous post. Hopefully there are no hard feelings. Shouldn't be. I have to make choices that are in the best interest of my children. Of course, staying with gma and papa may not be in their best interest (or mine) either. I can just imagine. My mom is worse than me when it comes to giving in. Thankfully papa will help balance it out. I also figure that by the time we move from there, the kids will be going to bed on time, behaving better and it will be worth it. Of course, as it is, they are going to bed so much better for me. It has been so nice to have a few hours of peace before morning. I even find that I can go to bed earlier. I have time to unwind and be alone and can get to bed early as a result. I don't always do that though, as you can see. I am still a night owl by nature. I hate mornings. No matter what time I go to bed, I do not want to see sunrise. Leave it to the chickens. They can crow all they want...i will saw logs, thank you very much. But, I must start adjusting as school schedule for kids require early mornings. In my mind, I long to be that picturesque housewife.....get up early, before the kids, drink some coffee, start some laundry, putter around, wake the children, make them breakfast, get them ready for school, send them off, come home, do housework, bake cookies, make dinner. But, I think I am missing that gene that allows one to do those things. I just don't get into it. I get up when I am woke up by one of the kids. I stumble out of bed *silently cursing the morning*, chill out for a few, waking up, go to kitchen, get them something to eat (praying they don't ask me to actually make anything....cereal anyone? banana? nooooo toast, please, i don't want to go through that many steps this early...). Sigh, get out the bread, put in toaster, get out butter, plate, toast pops up, butter it, yeah it's not so bad. Really, I'm not completely horrible. Some mornings I even make eggs or pancakes. I really don't toss em a bone and call it breakfast. although, make it a milk bone and Sebastian would be more than delighted. He loves him some dog/cat food.

In fact, have to share a funny store. he stayed at my uncle's last friday. Woke up saturday morning. TJ asked him if he wanted to eat. He said yes. she asked him if he wanted cereal, No. Banana? No. So, meanwhile, dogs were wanting to be fed, so she got their food. Went to put the dog food back in the laundry room and came back to find Sebastian, seated happily at the table with two handfuls of dog food before him, eating away. She said, you wanted dog food for breakfast? To which he proudly replied, "yep". Then he asked for a drink. One must have a drink to wash down the dog food, you know. So, she asked him if he wanted milk (she has no kids of her own...hence all the open ended choices). He said no to milk and points at her coffee cup, "want thees." "you want coffee?" "Yep". And so it was. She poured him coffee (a tad of coffee, a lot of water). He was a very happy boy and sat at the table with her chattering away about things of which she had no idea. But he was full of conversation as he enjoyed his breakfast of dog food and coffee. Strangely enough, my brother used to love to eat dog food too, when he was younger. We always joked that that's why he is so big/strong. All those milk bones and dog food. With Sebastian, I sometimes think it's a strong link to his animalistic nature. I often think he is convinced he *is* an animal. He loves to crawl around and act like a dog (and sissy encourages it: "say woof woof, doggy). He also likes to eat at the cat food dish just like the cat...on all fours, face in bowl. He has been seen doing the same with my brother's dogs...right alongside the dogs. Funny how they don't like to be bothered while eating, unless it's a blonde-haired little boy, down on all fours, eating alongside them. then, well, it's ok. I of course, stop him from doing that...bc he doesn't need to act any more like an animal than he already does. But, when I first see it, I sorta chuckle I am telling him not to do it. "Sebastian, you are not a dog/cat. You are a little boy and little boys don't eat like that." I don't think he is convinced.

My sister had put her application in at the local bank bc they had a position open. She hadn't heard anything back and was bummed that they didn't call her. She figured she must not have scored well enough on either the personality test or the application test (yeah, right). Well, today, she got a call from HR asking when she would be available for a phone interview. Right now would be fine. So, they proceeded with the phone interview. The lady really liked her and it sounds as if the job is hers. The HR lady has to call the local branch and set up a time for a face to face interview and will be getting back with her. OF course, my sister is known at the bank as my parents have banked there their entire married life and my sister has banked there. Most of them in there know her. The only issue is this will mean that her husband's family will have to pay someone to come in and care for their aunt that lives with Carrie and her husband. Aunt Helen can't be left alone. So, I told Carrie that would be a perfect opportunity for mom so she can get out of that damned restaurant. I will be so happy when mom can tell them to take that job and shove it. Sooo happy. Probably not as happy as she will be, but very happy, still. So, I really hope Carrie gets the job. I don't doubt that she will. She has excellent experience, she is a huge people person and has a personality that is just amazing. She's like a ray of light. Except when she's not...then she is pretty darn scary. LOL. Seriously though, she is a very likable person.

Well, I will end this novel here. I swear I could type here all dang night....

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