Friday, March 07, 2008


I just checked midterm grads on my college site and so far only two teachers have entered grades. I am getting a 4.0 in Human Sexuality and a 4.0 in General Psychology. So proud of myself. Of course, the grade that I am leery of is my Ethics grade. I have no idea what I received on our first and only assignment. I'm sure it will be ok. But, i certainly doubt it will be a 4.0.

I was able to get he kids' room almost completely packed up. I just need to pack up the bedding, for the most part. Why we have so many darned blankets, I have no idea. Yet, I can't bring myself to get rid of any. Hopefully, wherever we end up after this transitional move, will have enough storage space that I can store them away without having to have them strewn all over. I also got some of the stuff in the laundry area packed up. So, i made some progress today, thought not nearly as much as I should have, especially considering I had no kids for half the day. But, Jeremy got home, we had to go cash his check, get a few groceries, come home, eat and then he wanted to watch a movie. I wasn't going to, bc we have so much to do. But, the truth is, here within a week, we will not ever have privacy/time for just the two of us to sit together and enjoy a movie. So, I did it. The movie was good (an older one, we had gotten from the 4/$20 bin at Blockbuster). I still managed to doze off towards the end. I was so tired and couldn't help it. I didn't wanna fall asleep, and it was only 830, but my eyelids felt like a ton of bricks. I woke up in time to watch the end of it. Anyway, the movie is Slow Burn. It has LL Cool J in it (which i didn't even notice until Jeremy pointed it out as he was putting it in to watch). I love LL...he is definitely some eye candy. Not much can beat those dimples of his! And let's face it. He is 40 something and has the body of a 20something. Not that that is a huge feat for a celebrity!

Makenneh brought home her very first School Fundraiser. It has a little bit of everything, from cookie dough, magazine subscriptions (I hated when our school did the strictly mag. subs bc it's hard to get people to order magazines. Most ppl already subscribe to the mags of their choice), cooking stuff, candy, outdoor decor, flowers, bird feeders, and then the regular ol' fundraiser junk...the chore charts, the magnetic pic frames, you get the idea. Things nobody really needs, but feels obligated to buy when a cute little girl with blue eyes is asking. LOL. She brought it home on Thursday and it ends/money due on the 17th. Not a lot of time (although, it guess, its about 12 days or so.

Well, as I have sorta feared, my uncle is beating around the bush with getting his "gf" moved out. He had called me last week to tell me that he told her it wasn't going to work and that he has to get his life straightened out, get into counseling, etc and that she would need to move back to her place. Well, she of course had a remedy for every problem he presented and has since started cooking and cleaning and trying to be the perfect little housewife/step-mom. All that is doing is grating on his nerves. But, he must realize that he can't beat around the bush. He needs to come out and say that it is over, not gonna work, done. I was over there today and OMG she is overdoing it with the nicey nice. It just seems so fake and forced and ahhhh, I wanted out of there. Drove me nuts. Anyway, my mom said tonight that when my uncle talked to her, he said that the gf isn't getting the hint. Well, shit, there we go, again. NO SHE ISN"T GOING TO TAKE A HINT. She thinks she loves him, she has it made (roof over her head, food to eat, etc and it's all free of charge to her, she pays for nothing but her own car insurance and cell phone bill). Moving back here means paying rent, consumers, water, groceries. And if he hasn't been straight with her about everything, of course, she is going to have shreds of hope. As long as he continues to play along with her rather than telling her how he really feels, which seems to be that he can't stand her. He literally leaves his house all the time just to get away from her. I am going to call him tomorrow and find out what he intends to do and let him know that he can't beat around the bush. I will highly upset if i have done all this packing, paying for a storage unit, moving stuff for him to not go ahead as planned. This was all his choice, his idea. It has put a huge strain on us and I won't be the least bit happy if he can't hold up his end of the deal. He was calling every day to find out if we were packed yet, ready to do this move and now that it's coming down to it, he is dragging his feet. I understand breaking up sucks. Not many people enjoy doing it. But if he is that unhappy and has set forth a plan of action to get her out of his house and back here, then he needs to follow through. I'll be so happy when it is all said and done. Actually, I'll be even more so happy when we have our own place. It can't come soon enough, but is looking as though it will have to wait until may when we get our rebate check from the economy stimulus package. Which brings me to the next thing.

I got a letter in the mail yesterday that the college denied my application for the stafford laon due to excessive withdrawals, GPA of less than 2.0, etc. (all the crap I did the first time around in college, over 7 yrs ago). In the letter, it said that after I complete one semester of 6 credits or more with a 2.0 or higher, they will reevaluate. I was flamed. Bc when I had applied for this loan last semester, I was told that due to my previous enrollment, I was denied, but finish a semester of 6 or more credits with a 2.0 or higher. I did that. Last semester, I was enrolled 14 credits, received all 4.0s which brought my gpa up to a 3.02. I worked my ass off, as I continue to do, settling for no less than the very best grade. The thought of a 3.5 or 3.0 upsets me. I work hard to get that 4.0. And yet, they are still denying me. I am calling the school on monday to talk to them. I mean, that crappy stuff was from a very long time ago and I have since then completely a full time semester with substantial grades. Surely that must count for something. I also received a paper from the college listing all the scholarships I could apply for. Out of the list, I qualify for ONE. Yep, one. Niiiiice. I will try for it, but I am not holding my breath. It seems as though I am going to have to fight tooth and nail to get this degree. Nothing is going to fall into place much like I was hoping. Not that it ever does. LOL. But, a few less roadblocks would be very nice, thank you very much. I think it would be nice that when they pull up transcripts and such to review applications, that if they stumble across someone who messed up at one point and has returned, after a lengthy time, that they would maybe mail out a form for the applicant to explain (perhaps in essay form) why they feel they are deserving of a loan now. I certainly could have written something. Instead, they just deny it and force us to appeal it, to beg and plead. And so I will.

I am off for spring break this upcoming week. I am looking forward to the break. I have two projects to finish during break and I will be able to do it without added homework throughout the week.

I got most of the stuff for the Easter baskets. Candy is taken care of and a few small things. I just have to decide what else I want to put in there. But, at least it's started. Of course, what I have done is the easy part. Who has trouble walking down the Easter candy aisle and picking out some candy? The problem is stopping yourself before you have a cart full of candy. I resisted, really I did.

Well, I was going to do some more packing tonight, but i am tired and think I will just head to bed, start fresh tomorrow. Besides, most of what is left is our bedroom (which jeremy is sleeping in at the moment) and then the rest of the kitchen stuff (stuff I left out to use until we move....few plates, bowls, cups, etc). Of course, I have food I need to get boxed up too. Most of the canned goods and such could be boxed up. Then there is all this "Junk" piled here and there. Papers, odds and ends. bleh. I am afraid of packing/burying things I may end up needing and sending it to storage where it will be further buried and find out I need it btwn now and may or whenever we get to get our own place. But, tomorrow's another day (said from a big procrastinator).

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

That stinks about the loan! A Stafford loan, is that the same as a Direct Student Loan? They have been pretty nice to us from the DSL place. Good luck with all that!! I don't know that much about it. Only to tell you to call the financial aid people. And boy do I know the run around they can give you!

Ugh! Easter! I've nearly nothing! OK, I bought the cellophane to cover the baskets! That's like nothing though! Oh well. We will figure it out.