Sunday, March 02, 2008


Well, I survived the weekend. We had a great time going out to dinner Saturday evening with my father in law, his gf, my brother in law and the two of us. We ended up childless because both kids wanted to stay at the bday party for my cousin, so my mom agreed to keep them. Last night I made a plan for homework for the week. I figured by doing that, I could space things out and not feel so overwhelmed. It sure has helped and I have actually gotten quite a bit done. Today, I was able to accomplish a large part of my Scientific Methods research project for Psych. I am feeling much more relief in that regard.

In addition, Jeremy rented the storage unit yesterday so we can start moving stuff over there. And, yes, there is more, my uncle called tonight to tell me that he talked with his fiancee and told her it wasn't working and that she would need to move out. Phew! I was getting so nervous that he wouldn't have the cajones to do it and we would be stuck staying there with her there. That wasn't part of the agreement at all and there is no way I could live there with her. Period. So, everything is falling into place in that category. Another heap off my shoulders. I also had time today to actually clean. I did dishes, folded several loads of clothes, kept laundry going and got things picked up and even a few more boxes packed. I am certainly feeling better today than I have in a few days, mentally. And, I haven't even left the house today. That's unusual for me to have a day that I stay in all day and go nowhere. I thought I was going to have to venture out to do some homework because the kids were being buggers. But, they got better and I was able to get some of it done.

Now, im working on a grocery list and going to surf the net for a bit before heading to bed. I hope today is an indicator of a great week ahead!

Late Friday night, after all were asleep, I headed to walmart (thank goodness for 24 hour walmart) and bought some foam letters and numbers for Makenneh to practice with. We worked on learning all weekend long. I have started to ask her to identify letters everywhere. She wants me to read a book, I ask her to identify the letters in the title. Of course, any that she doesn't know, I tell her and have her repeat after me. I figure, the more I can cram letters down her, the better it will be. If only I would have done this so long ago. So, you can imagine that Sebastian has started getting the same thing. There is so much that she needs to work on (every kid, really) that it feels a bit overwhelming if I think about the big I just don't. I focus on the task at hand. When an opportunity arises to count, we count. When one arises to identify letters, we do that. Everything is a learning opportunity. An actual one. I always figured that everything is an opportunity to learn, but I also thought that she would just pick up on a lot of it as well. I certainly don't recall my mom drilling me or ingraining this stuff in my head...i just picked it up. OF course, back then, Kindergarten taught most of this stuff it seems, whereas now they want the kids to know it going in. Kindergarten seems to have become the new First Grade.

Well, I have other things to do before heading to bed...have a great week!


Julie Q said...

K is the new 1st grade! I was shocked when Z went compared to my big kids. With that said though, kids were at all different levels. I helped in the class last year after my miscarriage until the end of the year. And the span of what the children all knew was huge. When you feel she is ready, use your finger to follow the words. She will pick up on some of the words as you goe along. Zachary didn't like when I started that, so I said stuff like Mommy's tired and it helps me keep up. ;) He knew what I doing. Stinker.

A childless night out sounds nice. :)

Glad to hear your Uncle is moving things along.

Sounds like you had a very productive day!

Leigh Ann said...

So glad to hear that the new "schedule" is helping you organize your time. It feels good to be accomplished!

You're such a good mommy to take every day things and turn them into learning opportunities. I'm sure it won't take her long before she's all "caught up" in that regard.

Have a great week!