Saturday, July 22, 2006

Crazy, yet rewarding day at work

Well, today was an ok day at work. I was able to leave feeling like I was important and helpful. We were quite slow at work when I got there at 530pm. Then, I got this lady, so I helped I unload her cart. She was so appreciative. She threw a York Peppermint Patty on the belt to be rang up and then asked if I wanted a treat too for helping her. I said, No thank just doing my job. She kept insisting. I kept graciously saying no thanks. Then, after I had her order rang, I handed her a customer comment card and said, you can fill this out for me if you would like to do something nice for me. She was so happy. It just feels good to do something so simple and be so completely appreciated. Then, about an hour before it was time to go home, i get this huge order....420.00 and some change. I have never rang up a sale so huge for groceries! Anyway, she told me that she had been in awhile ago (like within the past month) and had trouble writing a check bc our system only allows you to write checks over 100.00 if you have written 3 checks previously. So, anyway, last time she was assured that the next time she came to our store, she wouldn't have a problem writing a bigger check. Last time she had to write one check out of her personal account, one out of her business account and pay the balance in cash. She told me up front that tonight she didn't have extra cash on her. I went ahead and rang the sale. Keep in mind that this lady has lived in this town for 56 yrs and has owned a business in town (beauty sh0p) for most of those years. She is not just some Joe Blow off the street. She is a business owner in our community who has a name to represent. Anyway, the damn check wouldn't go through bc of the amount. So i called the "manager" on duty over. She said she can't over ride a check for over the limit. So, I said, why can't we let her write one check for 100 then another for teh rest of the balance. ANyway, it took several calls to different managers, my persistence to get anywhere. This poor lady had her 5 month pg granddaughter with her, a housefull of out of town guests waiting for her to return with of the guests was her brand new grandson who was born July 10 that lives out of town and she hasn't even met yet! So, she was anxious to get home and get her hands on that baby boy! Anyway, we decided to ring up 100 worth of stuff, run the cleared. So i said...shouldnt she be able to write a check for any amount now? The mngr wasn't sure it would go through, so we decided to ring another smaller sale of hers (mind you, her groceries had all been bagged, ready to go, so we have to unbag and rering). The next check for 85 went through. So I said, ok she should be good to go. We unload all of her groceries and i rering. It comes to 258 and some change....low and behold that damn check wouldn't go. I was so mad..not at the lady, but at our store for having this crazy policy and no real managers on duty to override the thing. Talk about customer service. So, i run a check through (blank bc our machine will print the checks) for 100 and it what we did was had her fill it out for the full amount of her balance and put in the drawer....even though it was only approved for the 100. Then I cashed her balance out. My drawer will be screwed up, but balance out. Let them write me up or fire me...i have more customer service in my fucking pinky than that whole store has in their whole beings. I told that lady to call tomorrow and speak to the store manager. That is just uncalled for. The lady has technically written at least 4 checks in our store...2 out of personal accout and 2 out of bus. account...she is a local, established business owner and should not be treated so poorly. I had to bust my ass tonight to get her taken care of, and she was apologizing all the while. I told her not to apologize to me. I was doing my job. She said, yes but you don't get paid enough to have to do all this. Boy is she right. LOL. But that's neither here nor there and not her fault. She was mad, frustrated (at the store) and embarrassed. I felt so bad for her. I saw to it that she was taken care of properly. I hope she gives the manager an ear full tomorrow. I am so embarrassed to work for a company who treats their customers so poorly.

But all the mess and ass busting made me feel good about myself. I worked hard and did above and beyond what Kroger expects of me to make a customer happy! I shall give myself a pat on the back for a job well done! And hopefully, i saved the company a good customer. She had said if the check wouldn't go through, she would never shop there again, she would go to VG's which is a local competitor who has customer service down pat, for the most part! Although i must say, i wouldn't blame her in the least bit for going elsewhere after the hassle she had tonight.

Well, I am off here for now...think i will try to catch up on some sleep. I know its not really possible, but its worth a shot. My cousin kept the kids at her place tonight, bc it was easier for all of us....with me getting out so late, jeremy needing to be in bed early for an early start for work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Good for you! :) You are a nice cashier.

Oh and you are important with or without Kroger! You are a Mommy. :) I hope you got some extra sleep. Or at least some down time.