Thursday, July 27, 2006

You won't believe this!

LOL....Jeremy was finally approved for a second credit card. So now we have the 2nd tradeline that the broker requested to approve our loan. As soon as he gets the card in the mail we will call and activate it and then our loan officer will pull his credit one last time to show proof of the new tradeline and we should be good to go! And the pymt on the house I posted a link to is in our reach. So, hopefully we can get that house. I am absolutely in love with it. It even has a decent sized fenced in yard. I pulled in the driveway the other day and looked at it. Didn't get out of the car bc it was a bad downpour...but just wanted to see it irl. I got the warm fuzzy feeling that i could call this place home with pride. ANd i envisioned planting my flowers in the yard, which already has some landscaping done, the kids playing in the back yard, having ppl over and plenty of room for everyone. Sitting on the front porch on a cool summer night....I asked our realtor about getting in to see it. I can't wait. We also have a few other places to look at too. But nothing on that list is going to compare to this house i don't think.

Mom comes home from her camping trip today. She is always on the go somewhere. Saturday we are gonna have a bon fire and some drinks. She said that we had to have a get together when she got home, seems we had one while she was

Oh and we are going to the Detroit Zoo on August 12. The company my dad works for is having their work picnic there and all expenses are covered. The kids are going to love it. Ok, im gonna love it too. My dad's excited for us to go too. I think it will be so cool. Dad usually doesn't go to things like this. But these grandkids sure do bring out the best of him. =)

Well, i have a headache still (leftover from last so im gonna get off here!


Julie Q said...

We LOVE the Zoo! Have fun there! Bring a stroller. :) One for each or a double one for both of them. They will get so tired! And you are allowed to bring in your own snacks, in case the kids need something before or after the picnic. :) If you have any questions on it, I might know the answer. And don't miss the polar bears. ;) I posted some zoo pics on my blog a while back. I will try and find the date for you. :)

Good luck getting the house! So excited for you! I feel so stuck here sometimes.

Julie Q said...

Just me again! It's on my September page, the pictures from the zoo that is. :)

The other me said...

WHOOHOO on the house possibilty. I SO hope its a go!!