Sunday, July 02, 2006

Before I go to bed.....

Work is crazy! They call me every day before my scheduled time, wanting me to come in early. I usually can't because of needing a babysitter. It is just frustrating that they have that much trouble with scheduling. Seems like someone doesn't know what they are doing! Next week, though, I am on the schedule for 39.75 hours! That means that they won't be calling me in early, bc it would put me into overtime. LOL.

Sebastian has another case of diarrhea. Im gonna have to call the doctor and see what is causing it. He can't even sleep, it hurts so bad. Ironically, we got our water report in the mail today and it tested good in everything, including e.coli bacteria, meaning that can't be the issue as I originally thought. So, maybe it's lactose intolerance. I just know how exhausting it was last time we went through this..i can't imagine going through it again, especially now with me working. Im already exhausted...

Speaking of exhausted...guess what?!! I went to bed at about 130am...and I didn't wake up until Jeremy got home (yes, HOME) from work at 130pm! 12 hours of uninterrupted, blissful sleep! It was great! Although i couldn't help but feel like the day wasted! And i also felt bad bc I had told my aunt and uncle that I would be there to get the kids as soon as I got up and around...which i guess..i called as soon as i got up. But, im sure they weren't expecting I meant late afternoon! I didn't think i was meaning late afternoon, myself. They didn't mind, though.

Im feeling a bit envious. Jeremy has a 4 day weekend! I don't get a day off til thursday! And then it's back to work on friday!

An update on my friend Stacy....I talked to her sister today and found out that Stacy's mother in law is going to Germany to help them out! That is just so wonderful! The kids will love having grandma and Jon will definitely appreciate having help with the kids. His mom raised 9, so she can tackle 3! LOL. And I know it will ease Stacy's mind knowing that she is there to help out. Not to mention, it will feel good to have family there! She gets along great with her mother in law. She is one of the lucky ones who got a wonderful family of in laws. They all love Stacy(of course, anyone who meets Stacy loves her..she is a wonderful person!) and all stick together and help each other out. She is very lucky. I was talking to my mom today and she was so happy to hear that Stacy's mother in law will be able to go out there. My mom said she was trying to think of a way she could go for awhile to help out. Motherly instincts kicking in.

Oh..and as I was trying to get out the door tonight for work..i had some challenges. Makenneh started crying and sat in front of the door...saying she didn't want me to go a hurk. She wanted me to stay home. It was so sad. defintely pulls on the heart strings! I had cashed my check and bought some groceries and got some of the ice cream we have on sale....including dora popsicles. So i told Makenneh that I have to go to work so I can buy her things like popsicles. She says, mom, I don't want popsicles. Such a grown up concept coming from my 3 yr old daughter! She will gladly exchange material possessions for mom to stay home. that makes it that much harder to go in. but, in all honesty, this job does help. It's extra money, will make it easier to catch up on bills and afford a house. But, im with makenneh...skip all the fancy stuff...who needs it. But, i DO want a house. This trailer is consuming me.

Ok, its quarter to 3 in the morning...Makenneh woke up about a half hour ago and hasn't gone back to sleep and I need to work on getting her to sleep. I need some sleep, even if i did get 12 hours last night. It felt so good, i can't even explain it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.