Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Well, I finally went down and applied for a job at the new walmart opening nearby. I applied Friday and was called on Monday for an interview on Tues. The interviews (there were 2) went great and I was set up for a 3rd interview on monday. My cousin was hired already and she said that at the 3rd interview, they just have you fill out your paperwork and go for your drug test. So it sounds like I am in!

I checked the site with the houses for sale and found this one: I want it!;price%3Akm%3


Hopefully it will work out, but i have lost almost all

Ive been off work all week so far. I was horribly out of sorts on Saturday and Jeremy called in for me bc I spent the day sobbing and miserable. I don't know exactly what it is. I just felt horrible. So, anyway, they put me on a 3 day suspension bc it was a weekend. Oh well. I would have taken the day off anyway, even if i had known that ahead of time. There was no way I could have functioned at work in the state of mind I was in.

We will see how things go when I go back. $6 an hour hardly seems worth the stress. Jeremy was understandable and said I could quit if i wanted/needed to. I love the ppl I work with for the most part, and i love being a cashier....there is just something about that place in general...or maybe it's about something deeper. I don't know. But, i called today and made an appt with my doc and will probably call tomorrow to set up an appt for counseling. I need to sort through this. I have no idea where those crappy feelings came from, but the sobbing was uncontrollable at times. So keep me in ur prayers and send some positive happy vibes my way!


Julie Q said...

Good luck with getting the Walmart job. :) It does sound good for you. I surely do like when I get a happy cashier. Can't stand the crabby ones. It just makes you wonder why they do it, if they don't like it. Anyway, it sounds like you are a great cashier. :)

Sorry to hear you have the blues. Keep us updated on that ok? Take care and I hope you feel better soon.

The other me said...

I LOVE that house... the price is unbelievable to me, over here a tiny little 3 bed place can cost £250,000..that half a million dollars!! I can't believe that gorgeous house is just £45.000!!! I want it too!!