Saturday, July 08, 2006

No excitement here

Ok, this job is beginning to wear on me already. I got my was like 119.00. $70 of it went to my cousin for babysitting/housecleaning. Not to mention the fact that every weekend I work funky ass afternoon/evening hours that prevents me from doing any family activities like cooking out, visiting, etc. And my kids are only acting worse. They just whine and cry and fight and carry on. It's absolutely horrible. Sebastian doesn't like to go to bed at night and doesn't stay sleeping all night and I feel more exhausted than when I brought the newborns home from the hospital and was sleep deprived. I just want to crawl in a hole and escape from all the unpleasantness that seems to surround me. I think I am going to talk to the manager tonight and ask that I at least get some day shifts on the weekends. either that or days off on the weekends. I want/need some form of a life.

Well, I have to get off here because Makenneh is being a brat, calling Markie dumb, hitting her and being a total brat. We have to get ready and take the girls home. Then i get to come home and get ready for work. JEremy will be home just in time for me to be off to work. Yippeeee!!!!


Julie Q said...

Ouch! On how much you have to pay out to work. :( Such a bummer. I always worked opposite my hubby's work hours so we wouldn't have to pay a sitter. It was exhausting. And I worked all weekends. It truly sucked. We were never able to do family stuff. I hope they help you get some hours you can work with. And if they won't, perhaps another store would? ;)

Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.