Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I took the kids to town to see the fireworks. We went with my parents. My sister invited us to join her and her fiance at his aunt's house. We had the best view of the fireworks show. When they first started, Sebastian cried a lil bit, but as he saw how we were all reacting to them and oohing and ahhinnng, he settled down. Makenneh absolutely loved them. She was clapping and cheering hte whole time and when they were over, she didn't want to leave. She wanted more!

Then the dread came....trying to get out of the parking lot! We just sat, without starting our cars for about an hour, and let everyone else waste their gas and patience trying to get nowhere real fast! I have always said....if everyone would let one person out, the traffic, in situations like that, would flow so much smoother/faster. But instead, everyone wants to be selfish and in a hurry, so nobody gets far.

My feet are absolutely killing me. I HAVE to get different shoes. The shoes I have, I noticed, are not the ones i have had for years, but ones my cousin gave me. they are not flat soles...they have a bit of a heal on them. I never really noticed this before, but then, Ive never had to stand for hours at a time in them either. Towards the end of my shift last night, i couldn't hardly stand on them at all. I bought some insole things before I left work. I hope they will help until i can get new shoes. I don't have another pair that i can wear. Well, mom said she has a pair at her house that she thinks will fit me. I will have to try them out.

And exhaustion. I don't think I have ever been so tired in all my life. I just want to sleep....for a few days straight. I am hoping that i have the first few days of the week off, bc i need it. Of course, i don't get days "off" bc I still have to tend to the kids...but at least, im not on my feet.

Well, im too tired to keep sitting here, typing. So, im off to kick my feet up..until i have to chase after a kid!


Julie Q said...

This was my 5 year olds first year to actually watch the fireworks without his head buried into my chest! He sat in his own little chair and watched them! :) I was so happy! :)

You are so right about the traffic. That is one of the reasons we like to spend the 4th up north. They have beautiful fire works and even when there are a lot of people there (for Alpena) it isn't too bad traffic wise.

I love the fire works! :)

I'm slowly catching up here. I hope you can get some new shoes soon! Kohls (while I'm not a huge fan of theirs right now) put good sales on really nice shoes.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!