Sunday, July 16, 2006

How do you get ahead

So, I got a job to try to get us ahead. Haha! That's very funny. We were getting 188.00 a month from the state for food benefits. Because I took a part time job, they cut it all the way down to 54.00 a month. Add to that the fact that I have to pay for child care (my worker told me that we might qualify for partial child care but that they take it out of your food benefits...which, i can't afford to have cut into anymore). Also, after I get my 90 days in, i will be paying a lil over 12.00 a week for union dues, along with the gas, something to eat while at work, needing new shoes and clothes....where am i coming out all that ahead? I feel like i just made a huge mistake in getting a job. Our welfare system wants to keep you sucked in. Any time you make a move to try to better your situation, they start penalizing you so that you are still stuck in a hole. i just feel like its a hopeless, helpless situation. Im going away, leaving my babies crying at the door, every day, standing on my feet, dealing with complete idiots each shift, coming home with achy feet and legs, children who won't let me out of their sight for fear that i may leave again, dealing with their misbehavior as they adjust to this new routine, a messy house bc i have niether time nor energy to keep it up, no time with husband, very few opportunities to cook dinner, resulting in more quick crap thats not any good for you...and i don't even come out ahead of the game. Now i clearly see why ppl make a career out of the welfare system. It's so hard to get out and ahead, that they make staying on it the only option.

Anyway, Im just feeling defeated and so i will go before i bring blogworld down with me...


Julie Q said...

If a relative watches your kids, I'm pretty sure the state will pay them. And pay them quite well. Have you looked into it? My Mom was getting paid to watch my nieces and it is per child. Now my brother and sister in law make too much, but, it was good while it lasted.

And people always told me, it will get better. I didn't believe them. But it does and it will.

Do look into the child care the state will pay. It will allow you to bring home more money and feel better about the entire situation. And I hope in time, your kids will get used to saying good bye to Mommy and realize she will be home later, or in the morning.

Take care! (((Big Hugs to you!!)))

LosingSanity said...

I did look into the child care. My worker told me that if we even qualified (bc of my hours, income, etc) that anything we receive for child care comes out of our food benefits. Because I only need sitters for a couple hours each day at most (in most cases), it just doesn't seem worth it to have my food benefits cut into even more. Especially when my cousin watches the kids and I don't have to pay her a whole mom also helps out and watches them for free, today. Today i need a sitter all day. So, mom is taking them to her house so they can swim, swing, and have a blast! And I can make some money without paying a sitter!

Julie Q said...

Your Mom is great! :)

Sorry to hear they'd take other money from you. Your hubby must make more than my brother was last year. They do have one more child as well, so that must factor in as well.

The other me said...

Oh sweetie what a bummer! I know how you feel about trying to get ahead, sometimes you wonder if it is really worth it. would it be bettr to just wait a year or two til the kids are in school?