Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Lunch Date!

I just got off the phone with my mom. My sister has today off too, so she wants us to get together for lunch. Hopefully it works out. With our crazy schedules, I haven't seen my sister much at all in a few months. It's crazy, bc we live like 12 mins apart. But, she was holding down 2 jobs at one time and now has a full time job (retail) and of course, i started a job, so we just don't have same time/days off.

Kitty update...still only 2 kittens. I can feel at least one more in there, but she just hasn't had any more yet. Im sure I will come home later today to more.


Julie Q said...

Sounds like fun! :) My sister spent an extra day with us and we had so much fun! Of couse, I rarely see her. She lives in Idaho.

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