Sunday, September 10, 2006

Bye to mama cat and a kitten

Tonight a couple came and picked up mama cat and one of the kittens! Now just 3 more kittens to find homes for. I just love! If you haven't already checked it out, you really need to! it is a great sight! I also have a lady coming tomorrow to get a kitten. So, i will be down to two.

We got boxes from jeremy's mom. We have started packing. What a chore! Of course, it wouldn't be nearly as bad if the place was actually all clean and neat and organized and we didn't have a 3.5 and 1.5 yr old under feet the whole time. But, what can ya do? The kittens also do their share of hell-raisng...tearing through, knocking stuff over. I won't miss that part. Or the litter box.

Jeremy talked to his dad today and he said he would co-sign or just take out a loan for us, whichever the case need be. This way we can pay up lot rent, catch up everything, pay the $ to get in the new place and all that good stuff! This will give us a fresh start!

Well, I need to get back to cleaning/packing!

Update on Stacy. She is dialated to 4 still and 75% effaced. They sent her home in hopes that her labor will kick in on it's own. She continues to have contractions and is just miserable. The twins weigh 5 lbs and are healthy as can be. The doc said if she doesn't have them on her own by the 22, he will induce her then. She told me that when the doc came in and told her she was still only 4 and 75%, she cried. It had already been a week at that point. But when he reminded her of the importance of keeping the babies in as long as possible, she was able to see that she needs to do this for the babies! I feel for her. I couldn't imagine having contractions this darn long! I didn't like the 12 hours and less I spent in labor!


Julie Q said...

Glad to hear the cats are finding new homes. So good of you to find them new homes too. So many people just leave them behind, it is sad.

Our local freecycle won't let us put animals up on it. I really don't see the harm in it.

Good luck with everything. It is nice family is offering to help you get out of where you are now.

The other me said...

This is SO exciting for you...a new home, more will make all the difference to you!! YEAH! Aren't parents the best thing ever when they help so much?