Thursday, September 21, 2006

Gee, thanks

So, our store opened today! I worked from 230-1130. Let me back track by saying that we were all out of the house by 1045am and ended up at walmart. I needed a new pair of shoes and he wanted to check some things out. Well, we ended up checking on cell phones while there...but they wanted a 400.00 deposit that we just can't afford, so we decided to see if his mom would add us to her plan. So, we go back home, i get ready for work (and this is so the short version...i had to take clothes to the laundromat bc my dryer quit and I only have 2 work outfits, both dirty). Anyway, he dropped me off at work and then went to his moms. They came back up to take care of the phone business and ended up in there for like 4 hours, bc they couldn't get service for hte cell phones to activate them. Anyway, the kids ended up falling asleep on the way home (around 6) and slept until he put them in the car to come pick me up from work. ARe you counting..yes, they slept from about 6pm til about 11pm. Can you guess who is up righ tnow? You got it...they are both bright eyed and bushy tailed and I am ready to drop! I am so irritated. I sure hope its not like this very often.

Anyway, work went great. We were steady and it made the day go fast. we had all 26 lanes open most of the day, so during my shift, we never had a major back up in lines. It was very pleasant and may every day go so smoothly! I really love my job and just hope that i can get this sitter situation figured out so that everything goes well. I did run into my aunt (uncle's ex wife, but will always be aunt to me) and my cousin. I found out that my cousin is looking for a job. She is like 16. She gets outta school at 230. So like my aunt said, if i start work at 3, cousin can babysit. Taht would work out good, but then we are back to the dilemma of jeremy not having a car to pick kids up and/or get makenneh to school.

And yes, we got cell phones! WE have finally stepped out of the stone age! I am so excited. WE got verizon service and the new samsong phones that just came out about a week ago. Getting them at Walmart made them so cheap. it was only 40.00 total for both our phones and our bill will be about 45.00 a month or something like that ....can't beat it!

OH oh oh ...we also bought new carpet today! I am so excited bout that too! by this weekend, i should have new carpet in and new (to us) furniture! I just can't wait! I wanna paint in here, but j hates painting...i do have some wall paper we could put up...we have ot do something to brighten it up in here. this dark wood paneling is going to be the very death of me! I may even get a wild hair up my ass and paint anyway! The sucky part is it is so hard to get paint to cover on this dark paneling..e.ven with Kilz. So, we will see! Either way, we are on our way to things looking better in here!

WEll, im in for a long night..unless these kids magically get tired sometime soon!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Oh my gosh on the long late nap! (Sorry but...) Bad Jeremy! Being a cashier is hard work and you need your sleep too. I hope they weren't up too late. As if that wasn't too late as it is. Even an hour at that time is bad, let alone 5! OK, I will stop on that now.

If I lived closer, I'd come help you paint! :) It really can make a huge difference in a room. It has dark paneling you said? If you prime it first, it should be OK. Be sure and wash the walls first if you do paint though. I watch too much trading spaces don't I? :)

I'm glad you enjoyed your first day so much! Well, with the store open. And as much as I hate paying for our cell phones, I love love love to have them and be available without being tied to the house phone. I just can't be.