Thursday, September 14, 2006

survey time

1. Would you marry for money? No, money is not that important to me. I like to have bills paid, but I am not a materialistic person. All the money in the world cannot buy happiness!

2. Have you had braces? Nope, I was blessed with a very near perfect set of teeth!

3. Could you live without a computer? If i really had to, i suppose. LOL. I have done it in the past, but it does suck. I mean, having two kids and housework (now a job) just isn't enough to keep me YOu should see the shape my place is in. Im with julieq, imagine the housework i could get done!

4. If you could live in any past time period, where would it be? I would love to live back in the prairie days...back when life was so simple and everyone was kind and looked out for each other. Life was slow paced and every little thing was a treasure!

5. Do you drink enough water? If you count the water content in a two liter of coke, sure! But something tells me that doesn't count??? Phooey on whoever decided that!

6. Do you wear shoes in the house or take 'em off? I take em off! I don't like to have shoes on any more than I have to!

7. What are your favorite fruits? starfruit, kiwi (those frustrate me though, bc htey are so small and it seems like a lot of effort for such a small taste), strawberries

8. What is your favorite place to visit? my grandma's up north! It is quiet and serene and always good times! Not to mention, grandma is there!!!!!

9. Are you photogenic? Not in snapshots, but professionally, they usually turn out ok.

10. Do you dream in color or black and white? color. My dreams are so real that I sometimes swear they were!

11. Why do you take surveys?? cuz i like to share my answers with everyone! And besides, the housework can always wait til tomorrow, right?

12. Do you drink alcohol? on occassion, yes!

13. What is the most beautiful language? I love to hear spanish and french being spoken.

14. Do you like being kissed when you are asleep? dunno that i've ever been. But if it happens, it best not wake me up, bc darnit, I love my sleep!

15. WHAT do you like MOST: spending time with family

16. Do you want to live until you're 100 yrs old? Only if i can be healthy, mobile and self sufficient...oh and of sound mind. But come to think of it, im not sure im of sound mind now!

17. Is a flat stomach important to you? apparently not important enough to have me stick to diet and excersize! But, i would sooo olove to have one. Does God grant those types of prayers?

18. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights switched on or off? off

20. Do you believe in magic? Sure!

22. Do you like to watch cartoons? no

23. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real? I don't remember exactly when...but to me, Santa is in all who go out of their way to make someone's holiday extra special!

24. Do you write poems? occassionally

25. Do you snore? i snore enough to wake myself up! And ya know, i can't figure out why ppl like to deny the fact that they snore. It's not like admitting to picking your nose or something. So what?! Ya snore! no crime!

26. You sleep more on your back, front, or sides? sides!

27. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? neither, not a dog fan!

28. Are you basically a happy person? during the manic phase of my manic depression, i am quite No really, i do try to be happy! Until someone pisses me right off!

29. Are you tired? whenever im awake ;)

30. Did you drink anything with caffeine? every day, most of the day...coca cola baby!

32. How many landline/cellphones do you have in your house? i am so behind in this dept...we have one land line, with one phone hooked up in the house. No cells either.

33. Do you get along with your parents? yes

34. Do u smoke? yes

35. Do you have a kitty? Right now, we have 2 kittens left that need new homes! Then we will be kitty free! Any takers???

36. Have you ever had a birthday party? almost every year to some extent. IN our family, bdays are a big deal. We at least have a dinner together.

37. What do you do when you're sad? sleep, cry, eat

38. What do you need most now? a new home, sleep and to get over this cold (which is trying to turn to bronchitis)

39. What song are you listening to right now? none...the sound of the crappy ceiling fan spinnin around...other than that...silence.

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