Monday, September 18, 2006

Where's the balance?

This job thing is getting overwhelming! I am stressing over the babysitting situation and getting Makenneh to and from school with only one car. Sara and Matt have been babysitting, but Sara will be starting work soon. Matt naps in the early part of the day bc he works from 4am to 9am, having to be up around 230-3am to get ready. Then the school thing...she has to be there at 430 and picked up at 730. Jeremy gets home around 430-5pm, but has no car. He rides to work with a coworker, who picks him up here. I will be working a lot of 2nd shift-type 11-8, 12-9, 2-11, etc. My mom starts work the end of this month and will be working mostly during day/afternoons.'s just not looking good. I feel like my only option is to take her out of headstart, but i hate to do that. It has been so good for her and she just loves going. I did put in a change on my availability, but they already have the schedules posted through this month and into next. I just feel like beating my head against a brick wall. I don't want to be a huge burden with schedule changes, but something has to change. Im thinking that on wednesday, Im going to have to call around to find a daycare that will take part time kids. The bad thing is, some days I may need care all day, others just for an hour or so. But even then, I need a place that does school transport and that is going to be hard to find. I just don't know. Maybe i need to look for a day job. One that i can be out by 330. h

Anyway, im just stressing and hopefully things will work out. They usually do. I think tomorrow I will go to my supervisor and tell him what is going on and see if we can find a solution together. I really do like the walmart thing, i just have to find a way to fit it into my family life. The bright side is next year, she should be able to go to school during the day, maybe for a full day. That will make it much easier.

Tomorrow is Picture Day at School. That is another dilemma. I have to take her up to the school during the day, bc the photographers are only there during day. So, i have to find a way to get her up there. Mom will probably do it. I hope she does. I have to call her tonight and get a plan. On a bright note here, her picture package is going to be free! My friend's mom works for the company doing the pictures and she can give so many free packages (supposed to be for family, but really, she is family....she considers herself Aunt.) Without this help, the pics would kill us. They are just so expensive.

Tomorrow evening is Family Day at our Walmart. It's a chance to bring our families in to see what we have accomplished, get a tour of the store, participate in various activities, drawings, festivities! I was hoping they would let us do shopping at a discount like other stores have done, but no such luck!

Well, im whipped and ready to settle down for the night. Did I mention that it takes 5 mins to walk from the time clock to our cars? That's at an average pace....not huffing along, but not dragging ass. Have I also mentioned that thus far, i have not lost any weight doing all this? LOL. Well, I may take some pics of our store tomorrow evening to show off our hard work...who knows. I could even decide not to go, bc i will be working tomorrow 8-3.

ok, night all!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Oh yes, I recall that long walk from the parking lot to the time clock at Meijers! My crabby boss threatened to fire us if we were one minute late. Loved (sarcasm!) working for her!

I think if Walmart knows you will have to quit if they can't work around your hours, they will be willing to switch them around. When I worked at Meijers, parts of the year, I only worked weekends. It was just easier with one car and we had no babysitter at all. Just couldn't afford it.

Hope you got some sleep tonight. :)