Thursday, September 14, 2006


No, im not talking about computer geeks that break into your computer and cause lots of grief. Im talking about the coughing/hacking that is going on in this place. It started with Jeremy, then both the kids came down with it and then I woke up with it this morning. I am absolutely miserable. My chest burns, my body aches, my head throbs, my sinuses are haywire and I am tired.

I went back to work today and had to go to another store for training. This way, we are able to train with real customers, rather than pretend like we have to at our store. It went well! But, it's very hard to do cashiering when you are this damn miserable. I felt guilty when older ppl and babies came through the line, bc I just know these germs are floating about! But, what can ya do? Employers don't like call ins, so to work we must go. Of course, our employer is pretty good. They realize that shit happens and sometimes you just can't make it in. Of course, we will see if they walk the walk or just talk the talk.

Well, i know i haven't been replying to everyone's blogs lately, but i have just felt crappy and by the time i do all that I usually do on here, check mail, babyzone, etc...i am just too tired to type any more! So just wanted to post something and let ya all know im here! kinda!


Julie Q said...

Take care of yourself. You are right, bronchitis can come on quite easily. (saw that in your survey)

Zachary is still coughing! But not like he was the day I took him to the doctor. It's awful what colds and allergies can do to us isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Christina, Vaporizer? borrow one, if you don't have one. Otherwise, boil pans of water on stove top. You and Jeremy could bring pan of water to boil, sit at table and hang a bath towel over your head. Really helps with bronchitis conditions. (still smoking?, sorry, small nag) While at work, i have found that those Listerine tab -- little disolve on your tongue thingys -- really help to check a tickle, tickle cough attack. Container is small enough to keep in a pocket! I usually use the Citrus or Cinnamon flavors, toss 'em way to the back of your throat, they radiate up into sinuses as well as ears and throat!!

Take care, hope you feel better soon!! GGMA loved pics of Kenneh's first day at school!
Love you.

Anonymous said...

OOPS, forgot to say if you try the pan and bath towel should do 15 min/per session as often as possible. Trade off watching kiddies. This was prescribed to me by a dr in Battle Creek when i was getting bronchitis every time i caught a cold. Following this plan, once i recovered (took 10 days of antibiotic also) never had bronchitis again. Seldom get the big barky coughs either!

The other me said...

coughing makes me so grumpy!! Get better soon. Hot lemon with a spoon of runny honey is like magic, tylenol and it all!!

Julie Q said...

Just wondered how you are doing?