Friday, September 08, 2006

Random Survey

The Most Random Questions You Will Ever Fill Out
1. Have you had sex in the past 24 hours? no

2.Are you gay? not really

.3.Do you have hairy legs? Well, they aren't hairy but i must admit that they are not smooth right now either!

4.Do you smoke anything? Cigarettes

5.Do you like monkeys? They are cute!

6.How many fillings/cavities do you have? I dunno, really! BAd isn't it

7.Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake? If i have to choose, im choosing lake, but Im with Helen on this in that i prefer to not have creatures and seaweed with me.

8.Have you ever licked one of those square batteries? nope, too chicken!

9.Have you ever read the Bible? not entirely, no

10.Did you ever go to Sunday School? Yes

11.Do you wear a lot of black? not really

12.Did you ever bring a weapon to high school? nope

13.Have you ever hugged a tree? only a time or

14.Do you know what a sphincter actually is? sure do!

15.Describe your hair: light brown, naturally curly and thinning daily

16.Are you a wild beast? Oh i can be

17.Do you like to have fun? of course!
18.Do you like drama? Only in movies...hate it in real life

20.Do you like mayonaise? yes

21..Are you afraid to die? no, but i don't want to go any time soon! There is still so much i haven't done!

22.Do you like playing in leaves? on occassion...when they are free of waste

.Do you think you have a good handle on spelling? yep

28.Ever won a spelling bee? no

30.Are you a television addict? not even a fan

31.Do you think O.J. is guilty?:Yes but money buys everything...even freedom

2.Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?: yes

33.Have you ever had sex in a hot tub? no, but would a jacuzzi count???

34.On a swing?no

35.Do you like Elvis? not in the sense that some devouted fans do! NO elvis impersonation shows for me and no memorabilia hanging/sitting in my home!

36.Do you enjoy watching animals "do it" on the Discovery Channel? You're kidding right?!! Im really not into that kinda thing. Surprising huh?

37.Ever been hit on at the zoo? sure, by my

38. Do you like the smell of pools? well, i prefer that they smell chlorine clean as opposed to slimy dirty.

40.Does your mom think someones hot? Im sure she does...

41.Are you a sugar freak? No

42.When you hear a knock on the door, do you think "oh shiit the cops?OMG! OMG NO!!! Not never, really

43. Ever been arrested? nope and i think i would die of embarrassment if i ever were

44. Ever been skinny dipping?? once

45. Actually, do you like orange juice?: yes

46.What sign are you? astrologically speaking, im a leo. otherwise, im the beware

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