Thursday, October 26, 2006

Look out, here we come

So, Makenneh keeps pestering me that she wants to go bye-bye. The problem: I don't have a car to go bye-bye even if i really wanted to. So the conversation goes like this:

Makenneh: mom i want to go bye bye (read with a whiney voice)
Me: We can't go bye bye. We don't have a car.
her: But mommy, i waaaant to gooo bbbyyyyye byyyyyeeee (whinier voice)
Me: Can we all fit on your tricycle?

(long silence) She is contemplating this option

her: Mommy i want to go bye bye
me: I know, Makenneh.

Then she gives up for a minute. I think it really might have been a whole 60 seconds. really!

Mommy, i want to go bye bye on my bike.

Great...she really thinks we can load up on her tricycle and hit the town!
i can't help but laugh at the mental image this gives me. My fat butt on her teeny tiny trike! With two kids somehow, somewhere piled on as well. Starting to sound like a circus side show, huh?

Her: Let's go bye bye on my bike mommy bc we not have a car...ur car is broke. But you will need a bike mommy.

Good so she recognizes now that mommy cannot fit on her trike. But now we have a new problem. Mommy doesn't have a bike.

This conversation was laughable until about 2 mins ago (about the time i started typing this post actually). Now she is just whining incessantly that she wants to go bye bye. i can send her bye boot camp if she doesn't change her ways.

So, i finally tell her that we are waiting for aunt Michelle to call back to let us know if they can go over there. She says, "oh, who's that?" I don't know why she asked that, but maybe for the sake of interesting conversation. Bc I then tell her, "A. Michelle, Desiree, know.."

Her: Oh, with the baby kitty. ( she gets Her face lights up like a Christmas tree or perhaps the sky at 4th of july.

Yes, Makenneh, with the baby kitty.
Her: oooh, can i pet her, mommy? (she pretends to have said baby kitty in her hand, lovingly stroking it's soft fur).

Then all hell breaks loose again, as she chases brother down to get something from him she doesn't want him to have.

See, isn't life just peachy?

Im off now to ride into the sunset (oh wait, it's midday) on our tricycle!
Circus, here we come!

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