Friday, October 20, 2006

Ok, last post for the night

Really, I need to be in bed! 5am comes awfully early! (have i ever mentioned that i hate mornings? showing off her fashion (if you can call it that). She put her shades and necklace on and just had to have a pic!
Here's the long waited for pic of my furniture! it's not the best pic, but it was late and not good lighting in here. I just knew i needed to get a pic taken to show you guys! That's the love seat. i didn't take pics of the couch or chair. I will get around it someday!Here's a crappy pic of my entertainment center. Again, it was night, poor lighting and yes, that's Barney babysitting the kids! Hey, they love him.

And that's all folks! I am now free to get to bed. My conscious is clear. I have delivered the promised pics and then some!

Ill give you all a day or so to catch up on all this posting! Or maybe not! I could be back with more pics tomorrow...better watch it! LOL!


Anonymous said...

The furniture looks really nice! I am so glad that you have something that you are happy with!

Julie Q said...

My first three loved Barney! They don't seem to have anything wrong with them now. he he

Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without Barney. I worked midnights so we wouldn't need a sitter while my hubby worked days. With my oldest only 6, well, I could take a 30 minute nap when Barney was on. And then my oldest knew to wake me up when it was over. All three of them sat glued to Barney and allowed me that tiny nap to make it through the day, and sometimes the night on.

So, I know how limited your time is with little kids and working.

The new furniture does look nice!