Monday, October 02, 2006

Feel Good Kinda Day

And the reason I feel best is this:

Yes, we got the carpet down today. But that isn't the best. The best is that we have decided to not worry about doing the hallway (i can't bear the thought of hacking up a perfectly large piece of carpet to do one narrow hallway that will only be lived in by us for a year). So, we have one whole piece of carpet left. I was looking at the measurements written on it and was like OOOohhh my! It is 14ft X 20ft. I said this out loud and jeremy said...we put the wrong carpet down in the living room, didn't we? Not at all what I was thinking..but i checked and DUH..yes we did. But no big deal, really. What I was really excited about is that my mom's living room is something like 16X20. They tore up the back part of the house several years ago, redug the crawl space, yadda, yadda. The point is, that even 5-6 yrs later, she still has no carpet down. Mostly, I guess cuz dad keeps talking of totally redoing everything, flipping rooms around, etc. So, why waste money on carpet to just tear it up. Well, the fact that there is no carpet in there depresses mom. The walls are fresh crisp white with beautiful soft pale green trim...but! The carpet is missing. So, i call mom up and ask what her living room measurements are. I ask her about the 2ft difference...well that is the bow window area, where she has all her plants. I told her about the carpet we had left. I told her about not wanting to cut it up for just a lil bit down the hall. I TOLD HER "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" She couldn't believe it. She asked if i was serious? Of course, im serious. What else will i do with a roll of carpet but give it away. Sure, i could try to sell it, but that would not give me anywhere near the great feeling giving this carpet to mom has given me. We decided it would be best to do a tile floor for the bow window area anyway, bc of the water/dirt with the plants. much easier to clean up spills with tile. I feel so good that I was able to give her one thing that she has wanted for a long time. And dad can't say...well, i want to remodel and do this or that...Its a gift. He has to keep quiet and accept it. LOL. Even if it may mean work for him. My mom will be so ecstatic to have carpet. She may just invite anyone and everyone to her home. I have absolutely no idea why we bought so much carpet. I have no idea why I decided to not bother with the hallway. But everything does happen for a reason. And now I know why it all happened this way. I was planning on keeping it a secret and having brother and sis help with padding and all that good stuff and sending them away near Christmastime to do it. But, i can't keep secrets like that...I was bubbling with excitement and I just had to tell her all about it now! Can you tell how great this makes me feel? I can't shut up about the damn carpet. It's not the carpet...its the happiness in my mom's voice as I told her the carpet was hers. My brother was there when I called and told her. I guess after we hung up, she was so excited, while telling my brother and his girlfriend about it. I want to cry. We spent a total of 250.00 on the 2 rolls of carpets (they were remnants bought from a friend of the family's carpet store). When we were handing over that cold, hard cash, I never thought it would lead to such feelings of happiness! This carpet is worth every red cent spent and so much more! Back to my place. We got the carpet down...threw out that old nasty couch! IT looks so much better in the dumpster, in pieces! My brother is taking our entertainment center and recliner. Still don't have a home for our love seat.. But, they are getting our "new to us" furniture tomorrow. Tomorrow I work from 2pm-11pm. When i get home tomorrow night, i will have a matching living room set with new carpet. It will all match. It will shine and sparkle. Ok, maybe not, but damn it will look good. Then, next saturday, mother in law is coming over to hang some wallpaper for me. She loves to do the wallpaper thing. I have some that mom had given me quite awhile ago and I have just never used it. now I will. It's not what I would exactly want in here, but it is light and bright will lighten this room up. Cover up some of this dark wood paneling. So, it will work. I will take pics when it's all said and done to share. Speaking of pics....jeremy; found my digital camera during all this work. It had fell behind the loveseat. So, i can take pics now! woohoo!!!!

Ok, ive written a novel and now im ending. til next time...good night~!


Anonymous said...

Wow-Christina, I am so excited for you guys that you are being able to fix up the trailer and that it is making you feel so much better about things. It is also so neat that you are doing that for your mom. You are such a thoughtful wonderful person and I am sure that your mom is so glad that she has a daughter like you. Wish that I was closer so we could do things together. I will talk to you later!

Julie Q said...

What a great feeling to be able to make someone so happy. Especially your Mom! :) She sounds so nice Christina. We like to surprise our Mom when we can too.

Very exciting stuff going on there! It sounds like it will look totally different.

The other me said...

Awwww. so you feel better about your home AND get to spread it to your mom. perfect!! Can'twait to see pictures when its all done, now you found the camera!