Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Can I go to bed, now?

Busy day! I spent the majority of it working on the games and such for the shower. I am doing up little booklets for each guest, with the game sheets in it. I did a lot of hunting for pictures, designing, printing, cutting, putting together today. I think i have everything set now.

Sebastian was sleeping when i got home from picking up Makenneh. That was nice! Thanks, Honey! But, makenneh was up til 1230. She was just go go go! she no sooner fell asleep, i checked my mail, all 84 messages (thank you freecycle) and then just as i was about to click on my bookmarks, sebastian woke up. He came out here crying and is now on the couch, still awake! Ugh! I am past ready for bed. I have to be up early and head to my mom's to work on shower stuff....then rush from there to get makenneh home so her and daddy can go to her classroom to assemble their kite and fly it! I'm so excited for her! I hope it goes well for them!

Update on Jeremy's cousin, Sarah (so many sarah/saras around here): She was in surgery from about 10am until 5pm. What a long day for her mom! I just know she had to be beside herself! But, the surgery went well. The anurysm was larger than they anticipated and they decided to remove it and repair the veins and vessels affected by it. She pulled through good and last we heard, she was in recovery. Once she was done ther,e they were putting her in ICU for 24 hours. Continue to pray that it all goes well from here on out!

The day was decent. I did wake up to a sweet note from Jeremy, just as I figured I would. That was enough for me. When he got home, we made dinner and watched tv. I refrained from getting on the computer (even though i had this shower stuff needing finished). It was a nice evening!

Well, that's it for tonight!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I hope Seb wasn't up too late. Ugh, that would be hard! Someone, not sure who, told me if they get up in the night to make sure they know it is night time. No tv, no lights, etc. It almost always worked. Wasn't always easy though.

It must be hard for Makenneh to come home from school and get ready for bed. When Zachary comes home, he has a hard time just relaxing.

Glad to hear the good news on Sarah. I will continue to keep her in my thoughts.