Monday, May 28, 2007

Long weekend over

Whew! The long weekend is over! It felt more than long. The bridal shower went very well! We found yesterday, though, that a lot of ppl didn't get thier invites. They were mailed. They weren't returned to we don't know what happened. Mostly it was on the groom's side. Sis got the addresses from her soon to be sister in law. We don't know if the list was just way outdated or what. Still doesn't explain why they didn't come back bc if the addresses were wrong, they usuallyget sent back to sender. One of his cousin's offered to go through all the addresses to see what we have. Thankfully mom didn't put the invites in the mail yet. They need to go out, soon, though!

Sunday we had our family picnic. The day started out raining buckets. But it turned out to be a nice day. Makenneh and daddy went for a walk along the bike trail that runs along the creek and they caught a frog. She was happy about that. She loved walking the bike path. Then, jeremy and my one cousin were playing catch awhile later and makenneh got hit with the baseball. It hit her in the ear and neck area. Then, we get home, she says she is itchy on her feet...jeremy starts lightly scratching her feet. He looks and notices that she has a rash all over her feet and legs. WE are thinking it's poison Ivy from the bike path. Well, the bike path is a nice paved path, but it is surrounded by green growth on both sides...all kinds of plants, flowers, trees, bushes, and even poison ivy. Jeremy said that they only went off the path once, to let the frog go back in the water. But, it only takes once. I am going to call the doctor in the morning to see about bringing her in, just to make sure that's what it is and see if he will write a Rx for some meds. for the itching. I know she is gonna be miserable. So, she has had a rough weekend, for sure!

Well, that's it for tonight, bc ineed to get a map for the wedding invites printed up.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Sometimes it can take a while to get back undelivered mail. Otherwise, maybe the houses the invites went to just kept them? Hard to tell.

Glad Sunday wasn't a total washout for you. We were lucky with the rain ourselves. Sorry to hear about the poisen Ivy though! Poor baby. :(