Wednesday, May 30, 2007

hot, painful and boring

That sums up the day thus far. We aren't doing too bad in here, yet. I have the fan going and trying to keep the sun out. Earlier i went out and weeded my flower bed and around the porch, etc. Big mistake. I am now in major pain from AF. I forgot what it's like to have these severely, almost debilitating periods, as i hadn't had them like this in so long. I have to remember that i can't over do it when it's that time of month. The good news is, my period came early this month (by a week), thanks to hanging out with family members on seems to get me every Anyway, this means, i shouldn't be on my period for sis's wedding, which is a blessing! I was not looking forward to being hot, bloated and miserable for her wedding. Now i just have being hot and miserable to look forward

Im not looking forward to dinner tonight either. The only thing i really have to make for dinner involves using the oven. Ugh! Oh well..gotta eat!

Well, im off here for now.


Julie Q said...

I hate hot weather too. I am lucky as we have a/c, but we wouldn't have bought this house without it. For we have lived in a mobile home before without it. So, I do feel your pain. :(

I hope it cools off as the sun goes down. Another warm one tomorrow. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.