Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Something goes Right

Well, I went to my Communication (public speaking) class last night. I was stressed when i realized I HAD to have internet access for this class. The instructor, Joe, uses blackboard all the time for listing assignments, sharing messages, etc. So, in order to keep up with this class, internet access is a must. I had called the phone company to check out options, nil. I called my college and got the info i needed and I am now connected to the internet, for FREE thru the college. Of course, it's supposed to free, but we shall see if my phone company is charging me while im online. I will call them tomorrow, when they are open. Grrrr. If they are, there is going to be some major ass-chewing going on. I am normally not the type to get loud on someone, to be forceful, etc. But, I have been dealing with this co. for several days over crap that shouldn't even be an issue. Lord knows none of it is ever an issue with any other phone company ive had (and ive had a fair share of phone companies). But, for now, i will bask in the glory that is my internet connection. I have logged onto the blackboard for my comm class, found a very important msg waiting for me....the teacher has done up the study guides for the test. wE can write the answers and USE them on our test. How easy is that? Good thing to know. If i didn't have internet, i wouldn't know this and would show up for class, unprepared, bc at class closing monday, he had said he would move the test back bc he didn't feel we were adequately prepared. the study guide changes all that. Whew! So, i just spent a good amount of time answering the 25 questions for chapt. 1. I still have to read chap 2 and do that study guide. Oh I am beginning to think i may have slightly overloaded the classes this semester. I started to think it when in math yesterday and the teacher was giving out butt-loads of homework and some young kid says, "Hey, i only have 14 credit hours". To which, many in the class were like, "wow, 14?!" Yeah, i have 14 too, along with a husband, home, and 2 kids. Boy am i in for some good times. LOL. I was further convinced while sitting in my comm class and hearing the class outline. Realizing all the speeches I will have to prepare and MEMORIZE. Yes, memorize. I hope my children make good audiences. LOL. I will surely be well practiced in the "interference" dept. My other comm class, multi-cultural comm. is going to be fun and mostly laid back, but there is a huge project to do and several smaller, but big, reports to do. So, i am going to be one busy momma. I am kinda excited about taking on the challenge, but a little nervous, too. I just hope my sanity can hang in there. It has to. Bc there are great rewards to be had for doing this! LIke, a high paying career, nice home, newer vehicles, vacations, all those things that many ppl take for granted. Please don't ever let me become one of those ppl. I don't EVER want to forget where it is that i have come from! Bc where i come from is what has made me who i am. In all honesty, if i never had to struggle, i never would have decided to put my nose to the grind-stone and get back to school. I also hope that when i reach that goal, when i am finally financially stable and making good money, that I am able to pay some of it forward. Able to do a lot for others. There is so much I would love to do for others right now...and having those extra means would make it all the better. I sit and think about how great it will feel to "adopt" a family at Christmas and spread holiday cheer. Im not talking about a few little odd gifts here and there for them, but rather, a whole Christmas! Complete with magic and wonder. Maybe Im strange, but i seriously sit sometimes and daydream about the wonderful things I can do for others when i get my career going. Sure, I sometimes think/dream of the nice things I can have for myself/family, but I honestly find more joy in thinking about what i can do for others. Maybe this is why mom says I would never be able to be monetarily rich. She is right. I wouldn't. I would share my wealth...and be rich in things far more fulfilling than monetary gains.

Now, back to the present. Blah. It sucks. Hahhahaha. for now. I am liking school. I hate the parking situation at the main campus, but have found a way around it. I have to leave one hour before my class...yes, that means i get there a whole half hour to 40 mins before class time, but it also means i get a decent parking spot and don't have to be late and waste gas driving around to find somewhere to park then huffing my overweight body across campus to get to class, sweat dripping from my forehead, neck and eyebrows. I can now walk at a reasonable pace, get to class without all the huffing and puffing and sweat. Yesterday, on my way back to my car after class, a young man was walking around with a sign that said "Free Hugs" and he was donning a shirt saying the same thing. And sure enough, he asked if i would like a hug. Well, sure why not! Everyone can use a hug. So, he gave a free hug. I must say, it was a very nice hug. It wasn't just a cheap, "im in a hurry and doing this bc my assignment said to". It was a firm, "I mean it" kind of hug. I was almost taken aback. Well, that and the fact that he had some beautiful bright blue eyes and smelled oh so good. I wouldn't mind a free hug every mon and wed on my venture back to my car. LOL.

Tomorrow I have that dreaded math class again. I got a migraine yesterday while there. He goes on and on and over and over the same thing. If he tells us one more time that "when there is no sign in front of a number, it is assumed to be positive," with that cheesy ass grin on his face, i will surely explode. Anyone, and i do mean anyone, who has graduated from high school (which is a prerequisite to college, unless dual enrolled, which would also mean you would have to be of some level of higher intelligence and/or ambition), should know that when there isn't a sign in front of a damn number, it is assumed to be positive. How could someone get to this level of math and not know that? It's a basic fundamental aspect of math. But, he feels the need to reiterate the point over and over. And he loves to say, "And that's how that goes." YOu would just have to sit in on a class to see this man. But, for all that, i have to say, he seems to be a good teacher. He has taught me things in two days that i haven't gotten before. He has a simplistic approach to math and he shows us his way of doing it...which really makes more sense. Prime factoring used to make my head spin and don't even talk about greatest common factors or least common denominators. I always skidded by somehow, but never truly understood those concepts...until now. DUH. they are sooo easy. So, he may be a nut and he may be determined to keep us in class every last minute...down to the second...but i think i will learn a lot of little tricks to make math easier. Of course, for my field, i won't need any more math...but at least, i will know these things should i ever need them again. Like, helping the kids with their math, eh? Oh and that Pre-test he had us do last week? I got 10 right out of the 17 i attempted. It's not exactly good, but better than i expected. No calculators...i depend on them. I know, it's not good, but in all honesty, in today's world, when is there not a calculator accessible? Most cell phones come equipped with a calculator function, a lot of ppl carry one in their purse/briefcase, most homes have a few, the computers have a calculator function...get my drift? But we have to exercise our brains for now.

Gee, im gone for a few days and I am just running off with things to get out. I could go on and on. But, i guess, i need to finish up things online and then head to bed. Mondays and wednesdays are my busiest days, as i have two classes each of those days. I have time to pick kids up, come home, get dinner and rush out the door to the next class. I get home in time to tell jeremy good night and then work on getting kids to sleep. I am hoping that soon the kids will be in bed when i get home. it would be nice, as night time is when i am able to get my homework done easiest. And I like to do my math and get it out of the way so that i have time for my other classes.

Ive been thinking about getting a very part time job...we really need the extra income. But, after going to my 3rd class (last night was my first time in comm class and tomorrow will be first time in english class), i am realizing that I have really put a load on my shoulders and im not sure if i will be able to balance all of the school work/classes, a job and a family. So, i think i will wait a couple weeks and see how things go and then decide.

Well, im off to catch up on blogs and then get some sleep....

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Wow! You have a lot on your mind. :)

I believe to keep your financial aid, you have to take at least 12 credits. Amanda has (I think) 18 this semester.

You go girl! :) How many years will you have to go to school?

Good luck with the phone company.