Thursday, September 27, 2007

Good news and Prayer Request

I'll start with the good news, so i can hold back the tears. The headstart coordinator for our school district called today. THey have an opening for Makenneh. I go today at 4pm to meet with her teacher and get the paperwork I need to fill out. She will be going in the afternoon and will get to ride the bus. She is going to love that! It makes me feel a bit sad. It's a big step. But, she is more than ready to get on that bus. She has wanted to ride a bus since she was about 2 yrs old!

And to the next thing: Jeremy's grandma just emailed that she has to go in for surgery on Oct. 5 to have her spleen removed. It is so enlarged it is causing a multitude of problems for her. She has a very positive mind set and she is confident that it will go well. But she has asked for prayers. As you may recall, she was diagnosed with a form of leukemia just a few months back.
Anyway, say a prayer, send a positive thought, whatever it is that you do.

Thank you.

I have to go now..besides, the tears have started falling and the kids are winding up because we are getting ready to leave.


Julie Q said...

Great news on Makenneh!! :) And her riding the bus should help with your busy schedule.

I will keep Jeremy's grandma in my thoughts. I hope the surgery goes well and it helps her to feel better.

The other me said...

Oh she will have a blast! What a big girl. I hope Jeremies g/ma gets some relief once her spleen is removed and she can recover quickly.