Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Thank the creators of Advil PM

Whew! I love that man, but when he is in pain, he is a grump. I was so glad when he finally took the Advil PM and was sleeping. He was driving me crazy. I know his mouth hurts, but gosh! I know why men don't have children. I felt like i had 3 children to tend to this weekend. But, i spent today away. His mom took me grocery shopping this morning ,then my mom came and got me and the kids. We went to my parents' for a cook out. He stayed home, bc he was feeling lousy and in pain. Fine by me. The kids tired themselves out. Sebastian played on the swing almost all day and Makenneh mothered little Kaden like no other. That poor baby couldn't get a wink's sleep with her around. OK, he did, but it was challenging. She had to hold him, lay by him, give him his "fussy" aka pacifier, hold him some more, have him put in his bouncy seat, back in her arms.....(of course, an adult was doing all the transferring....). She wanted him to go down the little slide. She just couldn't understand why he couldn't. "but I will hold him, mommy." We told her he has to be one before he can go down the little slide. She says, "but i will not be able to hold him when he is big like buddy (Sebastian). It was too cute. She also said he has to stay newborn fo'ever. After all that, we went down to my uncle's (he lives just down the street from mom's). The kids played some more and wore themselves out more. Seb fell asleep on the very short ride home and makenneh was out within probably 45 mins of being home.

I get to wake up in the morning and make a bunch of calls. I have to figure out where Jeremy can go to get his teeth taken care of, get an appt and all that jazz. I really hope he won't have to miss a day of work, but im certain he will and that's going to suck. We can't afford short paychecks right now. But if it's not taken care of, he will end up missing a lot of work. I feel bad for him that he has to go in tomorrow, but the rule with holiday pay is you must come in the day following the holiday or else you don't get your holiday pay....so, must go or missing one day will cost two days. I also have to try to find a way to borrow the money to get the tags on my car so i have a way to school on wednesday. Otherwise, i have no idea what im going to do. And then, if i can borrow this money, i have to get to secretary of state to get said tags. Blah.

Mom said she can watch the kids for me on mon and wed during my 1-3 class. That will be a huge help as that's the only time i need a sitter to go to school. The rest of classes are in evening, after Jeremy is home from work.

Well, im exhausted and have a huge day in front me, even if im doing nothing more than making calls, setting up appointments, begging and pleading for money, discounts, assistance with dental bills, etc. Hopefully I am able to borrow the money and get to sec. of state tomorrow so i don't have that to worry about. It's always something. Thankfully I will be getting back appx $1000 from my financial aid. That is all going to go to getting my car completely fixed, legal, etc. Of course, it's technically going to pay back those who made it all possible in the first place. Hah, after all that, gotta have money to put gas in the tank, lol. darn things. air is free, why can't htey run on air? hahahhaa. Im just trying to find humor in this dismal situation im in. It will get better. I know it will. It has to.

Have my mentioned my neighbor next door is a lunatic? i am so sick of her already and we haven't been here but a few weeks. Everyone in here has those yappy little ankle-biting dogs. Not that i completely hate said little yappy dogs, but when every home around you has one or two or even three....grrr. These dogs yap at everything. Well, the one neighbor's does. She has a motion light on the front of her trailer that is set to go off every damn time i step off my porch or pull in my driveway. Tonight, mom pulls up, light goes on. We get out, i get in trunk, come in to deposit diaper bag and other stuff. Go back out to get Seb out of car seat..he is sleeping...that damn dog is yapping away...AT ME, in MY OWN FREAKIN DRIVEWAY! That irritates me. But, such is life. right? Not if you are my neighbor. My mom gets some windex and paper towel and goes out to clean her windshield bc it's so dirty....that lady is in her house, bitching about my cat being out and making her dog bark (my cat was inside, but whatever). She goes so far as to say, that damn get is out again, im gonna kill it. Niiiiice. It wouldn't even bother me so much if she would have walked her miserable ass over here and said, hey, ur damn cat is out, making my dog bark...can you get it inside. Bc then i could have told her....im sorry ma'am (hahahah, normally i wouldn't, but sometimes, you just gotta), but my cat is inside. Perhaps if you set your motion light to a shorter distance, so it didn't go off every time i step off my porch or pull in my driveway, the dog wouldn't bark. but, instead, she is passive aggressive and sits in her house bitching loud enough for me to hear. I miss my old place. not the trailer itself, but the park. I feel like a damn prisoner in my home here. I feel like every move is under scrutiny by the bored lady next door who has no life. My inlaws pull up yesterday, she is right there, looking out. I don't worry myself with what any of my neighbors do, i don't expect them to worry themselves with what i am doing. I am here to put a roof over my family and nothing more. I don't want to concern myself with anyone else's drama. I don't want to deal with miserable ppl, i don't want to walk on egg shells, i don't want all my comings and goings monitored by nosy neighbors.....just leave me be, thankyouverymuch. If my tv is up too loud or im throwing a wild party and guests are running nude down the street, concern yourself. If my kids are throwing toys at your window, concern yourself...but damn it, live your life and let me live mine. If it doesn't get better, I may seriously consider having this trailer moved to another park. MOst parks will pay to move it if you are moving into their park, bc they want your monthly lot rent. Im going to keep that in mind as an option. I do have to mention though, that as i was walking back from the little store in front of the park, one neighbor lady stopped to introduce herself and was very kind. Why can't she and her husband be my next door neighbor? I certainly can't seem to win for losing. what gives?

Well, im off to bed...im exhausted and stressed and ready to vomit.


Julie Q said...

Your next door neighbor needs to live by both of my next door neighbors! They are both nuts!

That is nice you will have some money left over to fix the car. Are there any dental schools in your area? They will usually treat people for a discount. The closest one to us is in downtown Detroit. I don't drive into the city though.

My Hanna was 2 when Eddie was born. She never let him sleep! It was cute how she loved him, but...:)

Anonymous said...

Christina, Uncle Dan and Aunt Janet said they think your cousin Randy Jo (their daughter) lives in that same park. I will email her address. She has lived there for a long while. She may have some advice. Also, more distant relatives, Jim Davis and wife. Jim is your dad's cousin, Pat Davis' son. Our long time family friend, Uncle Walter Toth has a son, Joe and his wife Bev have lived there for a long, long time.
Hope that gets better. Hope you are able to find help for Jeremy's tooth. I know only too well that distress.
Love you

The other me said...

When we lived at the barn, they had THREE little yappers, one would get into our grounds every day and poop in the yard, in the laundry room...I hated those dogs HATED them!