Friday, September 07, 2007

Good-bye for now

Well, i called the phone company today and found out that my phone bill is $300 so far and it's not even a full month yet. Sooo, yeah, it's costing .10 min for being online. That means that I cannot get online anymore. I am using my cousin's laptop with wireless internet....which i wll be able to use at times. I totaly feel as if my whole world has just crashed down. The phone bill, Kenneh having bugs again, being broke, everything going wrong, one thing after another. Nothing seems to go in our favor. I just wanted to give up earlier. I cried, i broke down, i can't keep going on this way. I feel like we are trying to do things to get ahead and yet, we keep getting shoved down. We can't get dsl thru the phone co. bc they require a 50 dollar deposit that we don't have. dsl would be 19.95/month whereas to get dial up through the phone co would be that much or more. blah! cashed his check and we have a whopping 32.00 left for the week. not cool. well, makenneh is climbing all over me so im gonna get off here, before i drop the laptop and have to buy my cousin another one.

take care and i will try to check in as often as possible....i will miss everyone.


Julie Q said...

We will miss you too Christina.

Take care.

The other me said...

Oh darlin' what a carppy deal you are having. I really do feel for you and if I win the lottery tonight you will be the first person I send a cheque to! Hurry back!