Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Not enough time in a day

and not enough days in a week. Whew! I just finished up math homework from monday that is "due" tomorrow. I say "due" bc he doesn't exactly check our homework daily but rather asks that we keep it in a spiral notebook that he collects each test day to check over to be sure we are doing it. Well, tomorrow is a test day, so had to be sure i did the homework. Im not at all worried bout the test. I know how to do everything on it and he already told us it's 15 questions and he basically went over the majority of the problems, just making a few tweaks (like changing the numbers). And he doesn't get all caught up in memorizing properties and such, so it's just straight-forward math problems. i can handle that. Tomorrow night is English. I have a paper due in that class that i wrote up earlier today while at Ashley's. My computer doesn't have microsoft word and my printer is out of ink. I still have to print the paper, bc she has a laptop and i wasn't getting into hooking it up to the printer and she was on the phone while i did it and when i left. I also have a speech to give on Monday night. Ugh. I haven't even started it. It will be fairly easy once i get's an introductory speech (so about me). He wants us to pick one aspect of ourselves or our lives to talk about and it has to be 3-4 mins long. Im not real sure what to do it on....i have no interesting hobbies, haven't gone on any exotic vacations, etc. I was thinking of doing it on my decision to go back to school. It's something im passionate about and can be comfortable talking about.

Anyway, that's the craziness called my life.

Wanna hear something funny? I know Helen could surely use a laugh right now! The other day I go into the bathroom bc Makenneh had called me in to help her. I get in there and notice that she has lined the toilet seat with toilet paper. WE do this at public restrooms if they don't have the disposable seat covers. Well, I told her she didn't need to do that at home bc our toilet is clean. She says, "well, my butt is special and your's not." I almost died. I told her that while her butt may be special, she doesn't need to cover our seat in toilet paper. It's a waste. To which she firmly replied, "But my butt is special, your's not.". I told her that when she has a job and can buy the toilet paper, she can use it however she sees fit but as long as I am buying it, she needn't waste it. So far, so good. I haven't caught her doing it again. Well, i also threw in there that toilets at home will plug up if you put that much toilet paper in them and we don't want to break our toilet. Im sure that is what really drove it home for her. Whew! The things kids come up with. She is always coming up with something that just kills us. I am sure she is wise far beyond her years. Maybe not so much academically, but certainly in an over-all mental way. She says things, figures things out that just astonishes us. She may refuse to learn her alphabet completely, but she can problem solve, conclude, create, u name it. She swore one day and I told her that that wasn't a nice word. She replied with, "well if you can say it, i can say it." To which i responded, "It is an adult word. When you grow up, you can choose to use those kinds of words. Until then, you can't use them." She still insisted that if i say it, she will say it. I do need to watch using those words around her...i don't use them all the time, but when i am frustrated (ok, when aren't i frustrated?), i have been known to come off with a few colorful words. Until recently, she had been fine with the idea that some words are adult words and kids can't use them. Now, she is questioning that theory. I never wanted to teach her that they were "bad" words, bc I don't want her correcting adults should they say them. However, there are a few words that are bad and i don't hesitate to tell her so. Lately, she has been obsessed with the word "hate". I have been reminding her that it isn't a nice word and she needs to say, "don't like or dislike" instead of hate. When she is told she can't do something or even to do something....she will come off with, "ugggh, but i hate this!" or "hate that" or whatever fits at the time. She has even come off with the, "I hate you", to which I respond, but i still love you. The other night, she was using hate and we were at my uncle's. I had told her not to use that word. My uncle's fiancee spoke up and said, "that word's not allowed in our house." She adores Tajuania and so she heeded her words. She got mad at me later and said, "I don't like you." I said, well, I still love you." She said, but you can't like me right now when i am not liking you." It was so hard not to laugh. God please let the teen years be easy with this child..i am going through the mouthiness enough now to last a lifetime! She has been a trying child since i hope by the time she is 12ish, it is out of her system. I can hope.

Well, im rambling on and on and I should be in bed. Mondays and Wednesdays are my busiest days. I need to figure out what to make for dinner tomorrow so i don't have to waste time figuring it out btwn classes. Options are limited around here right now..think it might be spaghetti. Quick and easy. Does anyone have a good crock pot chicken recipe? I have chicken breast fillets (or something of that nature..they are frozen, u thaw them and can use them any which way you choose. They aren't breaded, just so you know if you have any recipe ideas). I think it would be nice to throw something in the crock pot before i head to my math class (leave the house around 1130) that will be ready when we eat dinner (around 530). Must have simple ingredients, as I have nothing fancy in this place when it comes to food. so, no saffron or "funky little ingredients that are only found at the specialty shops".

Why won't my brain shut down? It is 2am and my brain hasn't slowed down enough to sleep yet.

oh tonight was bunco. Dont know why i feel the need to put that, as i didn't win a darn thing. That's not unusual though. Next month is my month to host. We are going to check into renting our little clubhouse here at the park. It's a $50 deposit that you get back when you return the key and as long as you cleaned it and didn't damage anything. That way, there is plenty of room, no need to hustle around cleaning your house and we don't have to haul card tables and chairs.

I guess that's about it. im going now. Brain, did you see that? lol....

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Do you have cream of chicken soup? You can put that in with the chicken. If you want you can put cut up potatoes in there too. Or you can make mashed potatoes when you get home, or rice. The soup makes a sort of gravy and the chicken is very moist from cooking it in it.

I hope you have a good day today! I know I'm late with the recipe, but there will be many other days like this one for you. :) Spaghetti or hot dogs are two of our favorite quick meals. :) Or chicken sandwiches? Tyson makes a pretty good little patty. :)