Monday, September 24, 2007

Go me!!!!!!

I did it, I did it! First, I got my math test back today. Prior to handing them back, he said the average was 10 right out of 15. That's not a great grade on a test. Well, he handed mine back and i had 13 out 15! I was so excited. I got a B and I will certainly take that. The bad thing is, one of the problems I got wrong was a simple subtraction mistake. grrr! But, i still did better than the average student. Yay me!

Then, i got to my speech class tonight. I was full of knots in my stomach, sweaty palms..the works. Today was presentation day for our speechs AND a test over chapters 1 and 2. Yikes. Talk about overload. He gave the test first. We were allowed to use our notes. After everyone finished the tests, he graded them while we took a break (he used the electonic scan cards..scan-trons so it was a matter of slipping htem through a machine which marked the problems that were wrong). He passed them back and he called my name to come get my test, he handed it to me and said, good job! I had 45/50! He said anything over 39 was good. And the fact that he complimented me made my night, as he didn't say that to everyone! So, that relieved a little of the knots. Then, he took volunteers to start speeches. 9 ppl volunteered. YOu can bet i wasn't one of them. LOL. Well, for the rest of the class, he had us put our name on a piece of scrap paper and drop it in a hat. He then started to draw names. mine was the SECOND name he drew. That meant, i was the 11th person to give my speech. Ugh. Before I knew it, it was my turn. I did it. It wasn't as bad as i expected. I have had speech class before in high school, but that was like 9 or 10 yrs ago. I walked back to get my critique sheet from him and i got 48/50! Woohoo! I feel so darn good! I should add that we get 5 points extra credit points for making name cards to put on our desk so he can call us by name, rather than hey you. So, technically, im only missing 2 points from a perfect grade.

Tomorrow is my day with no classes. I get to spend it cleaning. Yippee!

The temps reached 89* today. That's crazy. Tomorrow we are looking at 85, then 75 for wed. I can handle 75. But these 80s are just too warm for this time of year. I shall not complain too much though, bc it won't be long and i will be complaining about cold and snow.

I just wanted to take time to say thank you to Julie (JulieQ). She is sending me a box of clothes for Sebastian, winter boots for Makenneh...things her kids no longer can wear. I thought it was thoughtful of her. She is so sweet and kind! Thank you, Julie!

My keyboard is still working, thankfully, but some keys are very sticky and hard to use. Mostly the tab key, caps lock, shift, number 1. The rest are ok. I imagine if i used those other keys more, they would loosen back up. I got lucky. While a new keyboard wouldn't cost a whole lot, it is more than i can really spare right now. This week, $40 came out to fix that flat tire we was not expected and as things go right now, we are pay check to pay check. And i added the expense of gas into the mix with going to school...Thankfully our internet is free from the college. It seems like every week there is something coming up to take extra money out for and it sucks. This next check will prob be expenses for Jeremy's tooth as it is still hurting him like crazy. He is taking ibuprofen like no other. that can't be good for his insides. I am going to try to call the dental place to see if they would call in more antibiotics. We cannot afford for him to miss another day of work to go in. When that happens, we miss out on a day's pay, plus have to pay $25 fee and then the cost of the Rx's. last time he went in, it cost us a total of $145 by the time you add in the missed work. That's an expensive trip to the dentist, especially when you are broke. He is on the waiting list for the oral surgeon, but who knows how long that is going to take. They are open until like 530, so if they would let us set an appt, it wouldn't be so bad, bc he could take the latest appt and we could make it there when he gets home from work. But i guess they are booked through end of october. The only way he can be seen before then is to be a walk in which requires missing a full day of work. There certainly is no winning when you are down and out. Just more incentive to do good with school and get my career going. Then we won't have to stress over small things like broken keyboards, printers out of ink, keeping gas in the car and painful teeth.

Well, my hands actually hurt from all this typing...its a bit more strenuous with the few sticky keys. Ok, that makes a difference as well. I had removed the wrist support thing when the pop was dumped on it, and never put it back on. Never realized how helpful that thing is until it's not there. Im going to wrap it up though and head to bed.

ETA: I thought I would swing by the free samples website I've talked about on here is a sample. They had a neat little option...tell a friend, post to blog. So i thought, why not share this with the world...a lil "perk" for reading my blog. It's a free sample of Folgers gourmet coffee. I have tried the vanilla biscotti and it is delicious. I am not a huge coffee fan, but it was yummy. This time i opted for the chocolate truffle, bc come has to be good. I also found a link for a free sample of this stuff, provided by on that one, i chose the creme brulee!

Here's the link:
Folgers Gourmet Selections. Get A Free Sample



Julie Q said...

Good for you! You are doing great for jumping in with both feet Christina! :) Go Christina!! :)

I hope Jeremy can get something done with that tooth soon. Ibuprofen isn't as harsh as tylenol on your insides. I've taked up to 5 for my migraines.

Anonymous said...

WooHoo! I'm proud of you and so very pleased. Nothing like succeeding to make you want to try harder!

Love you,