Sunday, September 30, 2007

Bring on Monday

I am so ready for monday. today was crazy. Jeremy have been at our wits' ends with makenneh's behavior lately. She pushes every single limit. She is mouthy, rude, disrespectful. We have tried everything...finally today, jeremy decided we would take the toys away. She was warned, but refused to straighten up. so, we packed up all the toys, leaving on the books. this child sobbed and sobbed. I felt bad, but for the first time, i think we got through to her that we mean business. After awhile, she was over the sobbing and went about the day being rather delightful, polite, and well behaved. WE decided we would keep toys packed and when use them as incentives for good behavior. For instance, she was very good the remainder of the day, she was able to get a couple toys back. a few good things seem to have come of this. One, she is realizing that we are not taking her behavior anymore. two, their room is now clean. I got hurt earlier trying to put clothes away. They(mostly she) refuse to pick their toys up. Every time it is time to pick up, she suddenly is too busy, sick, legs hurt or just deaf. She is very proud of her clean room too. I was in the shower and she came in excited for me to come see her clean room. She is also playing in there now that it is clean. So, the decision to pack up toys seem to be a good one, albeit a tough one for me. the original intent was to take them to my parents' to store them but they are currently out on porch. I need to bring them in...but i want to wait til they are sleeping. the one thing she is not doing so well with is going to sleep. she is busy putting her few toys to sleep right now. she is very excited for school and moreso, riding the bus, that it doesn't help. but, if she isn't going to go to sleep, she isn't going to get a toy back for the bedtime part of the deal. She is so stubborn.

enough of that whole thing. It sucks being a parent sometimes. I have a math test tomorrow. I should do fine, so long as i don't get in a hurry and make some stupid arithmatic mistake. I feel good though, bc i got a b on the last test when the class avg was a d. That's crazy that most students got a D on that test.

I am ready for a child-free weekend. I know that not all parents can do this, but it is helpful to me, as a mother, to have a break and rejuvenate. It's not that im pawning my kids off to go party and get wasted or anything. Most often, when they are with other family members overnight, i stay home, enjoy peace and quiet, take a leisure shower (as opposed to my rushed 7 min shower), get cleaning done, catch up on housework (and now homework), spend alone time with Jeremy, as that is a very rare commodity, watch a movie while we can both see AND hear it at the same time...ya know, just simple things like that. I don't see a weekend break happening, though. I tried to convince stephanie that she could keep the kids at her house next weekend, but she said it's their homecoming weekend.. I have had stephanie all summer and every weekend since school started.

well, i am gonna go....gotta get these kids to sleep. Seb had a late nap,so i knew he would be a treat tonight...but makenneh has school tomorrow and has to get on the bus at 1105am. She needs her sleep. I am so emotional about her riding the bus. funny. I was sad the first few days she went to school last year..but she loved it so much i couldn't help but be happy. But, riding the bus is me relinquishing yet more of my parental control. I have to let her climb aboard that gigantic yellow bus and then the rest is in the bus driver's and teacher's control. I have been emotional since being told she would ride the bus. She has wanted to ride one since she was 2 yrs old. She used to beg. Now, she is so excited to know she gets to ride. I will be posting uncle loaned me his camera and it's a pretty nice one. Mine doesn't take good pics, so i was so happy when he offered.

Oh and before we can get her on the bus, i have to run to the store and get her a pair of tennis shoes. this should have already been taken care of, i know...but i procrastinate. I was really sure her tennis shoes still fit, but those feet grew the past couple months. Im hoping to find a pair on clearance, as we really don't have the money this week. But, either way, she needs them, so it's not an option. *sigh*

Ok, im off of here...finish my rounds and get ready for bed myself...Hope everyone starts their week off on the right foot!


Julie Q said...

I hope the bus thing goes well! She is going to love it. :) And you will love the convenience I'm sure. It is hard to watch them board a bus though, especially the first time.

Ranni said...

My daughter is very strong willed (heh, wonder where she got *that* from) and we have to start over all the time with her on boundaries. As soon as we feel she's learned this lesson, here comes the next one. It really is hard but yeah, gotta be a parent. Kudos and good thoughts to you guys!

Oh, and the bus.... When I finally had to give and let my kids ride the bus to school, it *hurt*. Was a good thing for them though.