Saturday, September 29, 2007


That's how i feel. I seem to have caught the flu-like bug that's been going around. I feel so sick to my stomach, weak, tired, blah. This all came on suddenly, today. I am hoping it doesn't last long, because Monday is school for me and Makenneh. Don't want to be sick for all that.

I did start my paper for Multicultural communication. We had to choose a world religion (either the beliefs or the practices) and then do a report and a 10 min presentation. I chose Paganism beliefs. So, i started looking up things on it tonight. Ten mins is a long time for a presentation, especially seems how we are only doing one aspect of the religion. So, im going to have to do a lot of digging. Of course, we have a research paper to do in English that i could do on Paganism, also. That would save me some time with research, bc i could do the research for each class at the same time. They would be two totally different projects, but i could use some of the info for both assignments. English assignment is of course formal research, whereas the multicultural assignment is more informal.

Well, jeremy is heading to bed, so im going to get off here. I didn't expect him to go to bed so darn early on a weekend, but ah well. I may be back later to post some more.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I hope you're feeling better today! It sounds like school is keeping you busy! Busy can be good though. I hope it is good for you!