Saturday, September 22, 2007

What the A?

Yeah, i just typed that on my very own keyboard. See, how lovely? I have my A back! AAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa! Some other keys are still quite sticky, yet, but at least they are working so far. Whew~

I figured out what Sebastian is wearing to the wedding, but still nothing for Makenneh. I tried, but the problem we have is, she has several very cute skirts, but no shirts to match them. Bleh! Of course, we don't really have the extra money to go buy one, especially with the tire needing replaced (rim included, as it was a donut tire on there that went flat). Im thinking about checking the clearance racks to see if i can find something for a few bucks or less. It's possible. I called my one aunt to see if my cousin had anything but she didn't. What would work best is a solid colored shirt (of almost any style) in a turquoise, brown, beige, white or seafoam(ish) green. The skirt i want her to wear has those colors in it. Hopefully i can work something out so she can wear it. Otherwise, she is wearing mango colored pants with a shirt that has flowers and butterflies on it (cute but not super cute like the skirt). Or, if it isn't too terribly hot, she could wear a pair of her black, dressier pants and a 3/4 sleeve button up shirt. IM just afraid with all the dancing this girl is sure to do, that something like that would be far too hot. Still not completely decided on my own attire. I love my black dress pants..just need to decide on a shirt. I hate these kinds of events, bc ijust don't have the wardrobe for them. My kids don't really either. Well, Sebastian has some khakis and some button up shirts, so he is ok, for the most part. He was easiest to figure out. IF all else fails, I can wear a pair of jeans with a nice top. It wouldn't be out of ordinary for this wedding (or most weddings in our family). We are a very laid back, casual bunch of people. Which explains why i don't have a bunch of dressy In fact, we have teased that this is the only time we will ever catch the bride in a dress. She is a jeans and t shirt girl herself.

Well, i really didn't have much of interest to say..i was just so excited that my A is working again!! i had to share the news!

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

Oh, I was going to offer to hit the clearance racks at Kohls for you! But the wedding is today! Have a great time! We never have clothes for weddings either. That is why when my friend got married, we had to take Eddie shopping! Ugh! So not fun. Wait until they are older and more picky. ;)

I'm glad your A is working. There are a lot of words with A in them!