Saturday, April 22, 2006

April 21=Happy Birthday, Grandma

It's hard to believe, but yesterday, Grandma turned 85! This woman is so amazing. I am always in awe of her. It was only recently that she finally started to slow down. But this woman of strength would be out in the winter cutting wood, hauling it in, gardening, tending to her flower beds, shoveling snow, you name it. I know without a doubt she would be able to work circles around me! Maybe not so much now, but a few years ago, i know she could have.

She had 12 children, losing one when he was just a child. She has more grandkids can than I can count (or keep track of) and many great grandkids as well. Somehow, she keeps track of all of them and even gets birthday cards out to everyone....ON TIME! (ok, so her secret is this handy little birthday organizer, but still!)

In all my years, I have never heard my grandma raise her voice or speak ill of anyone or anything. Her hands, despite all her hard work, are always soft to the touch and warm with love.

When I think of my Grandma, I think of:
*the beach-because as a child, we would spend many weekends up there and we always took trips to the beach. My grandma loves the water!
*walks-because we would always take walks and
*rocks-because on those walks we would always pick up the pretty rocks
*molasses cookies-bc grandma's cookie jar always had molasses cookies in it
*Vernors-because you can always find a can or 2lt of Vernors at Grandmas (although now its more apt to be diet vernonrs)
*plants/flowers-bc grandma always had a house and yard full
*Greedy-not the characteristic, but the dice game. There are always games of it being played at grandma's table.
*Jack and the Beanstalk-because as a child, I would get to sleep in grandma's bed with her and every time, she would tell me the story of Jack and the Beanstalk before bed. I remember being so amazed that grandma knew this story by heart and could tell it without a book.
*big meals-bc everytime we were at grandma's, nobody went hungry and if they did, it was thier own fault. Breakfast would be cooking when you woke up..bacon, sausage, eggs, pancakes, potatoes, orange juice (which orange juice never tasted so good as it did at grandma's house). All meals were that was like a buffet of delicious food.

I am greatful for the years we have had with grandma and hope that we can all be blessed with many more! I remember blogging about her before, when she had ended up in the hospital. It was so hard bc to me, grandma was going to live forever! How could someone of so much strength and determination ever die? But that was a reality check for me. She is human and she has a place of rest and peace and joy waiting for her someday. I just hope that it is later rather than sooner!

And I have to share a bit about our Easter with Grandma. Aunt Bev emailed me after they got back home to tell me that Grandma was just so joyed over Makenneh. Makenneh was all about great grandma on Easter. She showed her the bugs she was collecting and just jabbered away to great grandma and great grandma really enjoyed it. My grandma told my dad about it, my mom about it, my aunt Bev about it. It just warms my heart to know that my daughter brought so much joy to her.

Well, Grandma, thanks for all the wonderful memories you have given me in my 25 years and here's looking forward to many more!!!! I love you!


Julie Q said...

She sounds wonderful. I too hope she is around for many years to come.

I hardly remember my Grandparents at all. I did get to know my husband's Grandma and she was wonderful as well.

Julie Q said...

Oh, and I am a fellow Vernors lover! Even the diet! :)