Monday, April 24, 2006

Is today over yet?

Well the kids have been waking up kinda early. Have i mentioned that I hate mornings? Then, they have just been monsters. They are from one thing to the next. I have been trying to pick up the living room and as i pick stuff up, they are getting it out, as i fold it, they are unfolding it.

then, when they arent undoing everything Ive done, they are just getting into stuff or doing stuff they shouldnt be. Sebastian climbs on top of the end table to get into my book shelf i have in the corner full of shit. Then Makenneh is wanting ina nd out and in and out. Which isnt that big of a problem, except that the handle broke off the screen door and so i have to latch it to keep seb in and so i have to get up and down everytime she does this.

Oh and she has changed clothes 2 times already and its 330pm. I told her she is keeping this outfit on the rest of the day unless she wants to do laundry. LOL. I guess its just one of those days. I have not had a break from these kids in far as an overnight one. My mom did keep Makenneh for most of the day yesterday which was sooo nice. Although now its at a point where Makenneh is the easier one. She can entertain herself, keep busy and follow basic directions. Seb is into everything nonstop. LOL.

Ok, i think i have vented enough. maybe ill post something fun later.

1 comment:

Julie Q said...

I'm too tired to read your History Lesson. Another day perhaps?

I hope your day got better, even if it was after bedtime. Oh, I'm looking forward to that! :)