Monday, April 17, 2006

Maid, anyone?

I HATE cleaning. I really do! Just one of the things I could do without. I keep dreaming of hiring a maid. LOL. Then there is all this controversy over illegal immigrants and I think...but if i can get a housekeeper for what, pennies a day......what's wrong with illegal immigrants. JK. But really, i could afford it that way. But, to stay within somewhat legal boundaries, I decided to let my cousin and her step sister stay. HAHAHHAHA. child labor. Just don't tell anyone. NO, really though, i am letting them stay. My cousin, Desiree, called tonight and wanted to stay, so i went and picked her up. Gotta love spring break. Why do they let these kids out on the loose for a whole week off of school? Why can't i get a spring break too? No kids, no bills, no troubles. Now, there is a dream. A whole!

anyway, i really had nothing to write about..i just figured i would ramble. now i will cease my senseless ramble and get ready for bed! Night All!


Julie Q said...

Aw, good night! :)

My younger three are off...So I can sleep in for one week! :) There is a reason, see? :) Now I'd have it made if I didn't have to drive my oldest to college four days a week. But, I'm glad she is going. ;)

LosingSanity said...

Well, my dear ones arent in school yet, although I still have to be up by a certain time each morning bc i babysit for my friend. But even so...spring break means all the kids want to stay the night everywhere! In fact, i let them stay last night, had their dad come get them today bc me and Tiff had to go somewhere and low and behold, this evening, shortly after Jeremy was home, she was calling back to see if she could stay again. I dont understand why they want to stay here, bc they seem to get irritated by the little kids and not to mention, expect Makenneh to act their age, instead of the mere 3 yrs old that she is. I had to remind them that she just turned 3 a few days ago. Fun, it time for school yet?