Thursday, April 20, 2006

Monkey Boy

Yes, this is where he likes to climb to. He can't resist the windows. He climbs up on the recliner, onto the vhs shelf, and into the window sill. All within the blink of an eye. And he thinks he is hot stuff up there, too. This kid loves heights and has no fear what so ever. The other day, I caught him near the top of the back of the recliner. What gives? Anyway, this time, i thought i would grab the camera and snap a shot of him in his perch. LOL.

And report that he is promptly removed from window sill and placed back on the floor where little boys really belong. this one is starting to make me think he belongs in a zoo though!


Julie Q said...

:) My first daughter was like that. She climbed on everything! Always stood in her high chair! Climbed out of her crib before she was 2. She made me crazy.

Anonymous said...

Sebastian's great uncle Sam, was a monkey boy too(family trait?). He scared several years off Gma's life when she walked into the front room and found the 10 month old Sam balanced on the back of our platform rocker. The platform rocker, bytheway, that tipped over frequently just from rocking too hard in it!! It took us years to realize that he just wanted to be high!! Just kidding. Now he is afraid of heights, go figure!

love you